An evening lecture on the size of the universe. To give us a feel for the size of the heavens the lecturer ( a leading astronomer ) informs us that for each and every grain of sand on earth there are at least 10,000 sun like stars and most, if not all, of them are orbited by planets.
A text informs me that the new car needs a software update. On the third attempt at installing the software it works. Angus goes to bed happy in his technical prowess. This morning, as soon as the ignition is turned on, the tailgate half opens, shuts and then half opens again. The head up display makes an annoying chirruping sound, not unlike Alvin the anthropomorphic Chipmunk, and tells me we are 'immobilized' due to the tailgate not being secure. I reboot the system which seems to work. As we pull into a parking space in town guess what ? The tailgate half opens again. The dashboard also tells me there's a software error. Life was easier when the sum total of the electronic systems inside a car was the ignition and a radio.
We walk along the beach and enjoy a gentle sunrise. The usual cast of dog walkers are out and about. We greet each other cheerfully. Archie's owner is one her way to Seoul at the end of the month to see her daughter who has started university there. She is getting quite excited. On our way back into town we stop to admire the handiwork of the university gardeners who follow a cheerful, wind resistant template.
The artisanal gin shop is advertising the perfect gift for Mothers Day.
The dry cleaners has a sign that says it all.
There is now a brief weekly musical service at the little medieval chapel hidden behind Mary Queen of Scots house. It's always full of townsfolk and youngsters who seem to enjoy the tradition and a chance to meet new friends. I'm impressed with the way the choir members diligently show up.
Have you ever heard of Aimee Semple McPherson ? What a strange story :
A trip to Glasgow planned for next week to meet this printmaker. His work is very Scottish :
There is, it seems, a St Andrews cocktail week. We are sent an e-mail but methinks we are not - by a factor of 50 years or so - the targeted age demographic :
Maybe Trump Champagne as his next side gig? The prints in the exhibition are quite beautiful.
Surely Champagne can only be called by that name if it originates in Champagne - in France? Those who can afford it will want the real thing.
Sorry but I had to laugh at your erratic tail gate! I have a similar problem with the automatic main gate to my property - in spite of having a new motor installed late last year. When I press the activator I can almost see it deciding if it's going to open, or maybe just half way, then close again. When the engineer comes to check it, it always behaves perfectly of course and he probably thinks "typical woman"!
Hari OM
That car of yours has notions of joining the circus, methinks... YAM xx
Are there any photos of the two of you among the postings?
When has isolationism ever made a country great?
The prints are quite beautiful.
Who's gonna tell him that "ahem" the US doesn't have a "champagne" industry?
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