Sunday, March 16, 2025

So quiet.


Complete silence this morning apart from the sound of a tractor working in a field by the sea. We can usually hear the waves throwing themselves against the rocks but this morning they're calm and well behaved. Puppy, who has been up for an hour, follows us down the track to the waters edge. She sees a flock of pigeons and hurries off after them. We bump into the farmer has been into town to buy the Sunday Times. " I'm afraid to open it and see what more bad news there might be " he says by way of greeting. We briefly discuss the Houthis and the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 before heading our separate ways.

There are a few clouds around but there's warmth in the sun. We're set for shirt sleeve weather.

Being a Sunday the streets are quiet. After their overnight revelries the students don't stir until late.

The woman behind the counter in the bakers is ambivalent about the St Patricks day biscuits. " Nae taste tae them ". This is not a holiday that has much resonance here. The woman also tells me that there will be special 'Irish events' in all the restaurants on Monday night. Her tone of voice hints at disapproval . 

I spot something called a 'Tipsy Cake'.  This it turns out is nothing to do with alcohol but is a kind of upside down trifle. " I dinnae like it " I'm told with a degree of conviction that makes me drop any idea of buying one. 

The university security people are setting out yellow bollards in front of the chapel to stop people parking there. In many places security teams worry about demonstrations or violence. In a small peaceful town like this making sure the bride can get a parking spot close to the chapel door is the #1 priority. We're now entering the long summer weekend wedding season. Todays lucky couples are set to enjoy blue skies of a hue and clarity that you'd expect to find on a Greek island.

An interesting insight into the psychology of using razor blades :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Can you imagine St Andrew becoming so commercial...... YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

Those green cookies are not very appealing. Our little town will be hosting a St. Patrick's day festival tomorrow. I am curious to see how our French neighbors will celebrate this event, but it will be held in the old village center at the top of the hill and, as in St. Andrews, parking will be a consideration. The alligator story and the bodycam footage were a nice anecdote to all the bad news - everybody behaved pretty well, including the poor alligator. Almost made me miss Florida, where there was an eight foot alligator living in the driveway pool at my mother's retirement home. Today is the second anniversary of our arrival in France.

Coppa's girl said...

The lady at the bakery has a somewhat novel, if honest, approach to sales!
Oh, and please can we have our blue sky back? It's been missing for a couple of weeks now.

Angus said...

2 years ! How time flies .

Travel said...

Thanks for a moment of peace on a Sunday morning.

Diaday said...

We had beautiful spring blue skies for a few days but now big, heavy, dark rain clouds are drenching the area. I'm dog sitting my son's pooch and we did get outside for a nice morning walk in between the rainfalls. Worms were all over the street...a sign of spring!

WendyAnn said...

The second picture is wonderful - lucky you to be standing there.
Wendy (Wales)