Thursday, December 19, 2013

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

'The font' in London for a small thumb operation. The hospital friendly and efficient. The whole process a delight, or as much of a delight as a small thumb operation can be. Everything arranged within 24 hours. Reading the newspapers you'd think that Britain, or for that matter France, have become sour, complaining, places. The people and the reality quite different.

Bob and Sophie spend the day in the garden with Angus trimming the wisteria above the front door. They get up early and go to bed late. A bacon sandwich the highlight of their day.  When 'the font' returns at midnight they're both in a deep sleep. Bob wakes briefly, barks twice and then settles down again. 'The font' comes in through the door on the upstairs terrace so as not to disturb them. Bob will be reunited with his pack at breakfast later this morning. An emotional reunion can be guaranteed. 


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

A bacon sandwich would be a highlight in our day. Love those PON tongues.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

WFT Nobby said...

Yes, I too would settle for a bacon sandwich (or, being in Scotland, a bacon roll).
Toodle pip!

VirginiaC said...

Glad the Font's op went okay, and that she'll be able to continue to thumb her nose at folks when necessary.
An entire day spent alone with Papa Angus, the two angels must have been very happy especially after being spoiled with a bacon sandwich and going to bed late.
How lonnnnnng is Bob's tongue now?

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I will spare you and 'the font' a 'thumbs up' joke, (you're welcome!) and just say that I hope that there isn't too much post operative discomfort that a good reunion couldn't chase away!

Anonymous said...

I wish 'the Font' a speedy recovery.
Bacon sandwiches hey...lucky puppies x

houndstooth said...

I'm sure it will be a joyful reunion! I think you should take video instead of pictures!

Kari said...

Does Sophoe not have the same sense of "pack" as Bob?
Glad your surgerY went well, "font".
Time to take it easy and enjoy the season.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

The Font's experience echoes ours perfectly. We've never been treated so kindly as we were throughout our unexpected holiday trials. I hope she's doing well today.
Great photos of the kids. Those faces!!

Angus said...

Bob is definitely a family dog 24/7. Sophie's a family dog when she wants to be one . The rest of the time she's a free spirit.