A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Monday, June 22, 2015
We decline the offer of Brie with apricots and nuts. Bob gets a piece of Salers. His tail goes into overdrive, then he does his happy dance. To the uninitiated this must look as if he's having a seizure while simultaneously being poked with an electric cattle prod. He shows his overbite. I'm pleased to get him out of the shop and in the back of the car before he does the happy howl that accompanies the dance.
Sophie has had the hair over her eyes trimmed. PON purists would be aghast. We however find that when she can see she's much more relaxed and less prone to those 'diva' moments. This good for both dog and owners.
Bob spends his day sitting at the front door behind the curtain. He braves the heat to rush out and bark at the post lady, the annoying eight year old child who rattles a stick against the gate and a group of Belgian pilgrims en route to Lourdes. For the rest of the day all that can be seen of him is a large black nose peaking out.
Such is the hectic pace of life for two PONs in a French village rapidly descending into summer torpitude.
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Always on guard!
Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer....PON heaven!
Oh those cheeses look so yummy!
Mmmm....French cheeses = PON heaven - and ours too !
I'd enjoy the Brie with apricots and nuts. Quite a lot, actually. And there'd be a bit for Bob and Sophie too.
Summer torpitude has settled in here as well.
Edward doesn't even dare a nose out the door.
I too am a purist when it comes to Brie.
Cheers! Gail (from Aberdeen, where its currently a distinctly untorpid 10ºC…)
24/7. Ormore precisely from 06.00 to 22.00 with time off for naps.
Protracted snooze time.
Bob agrees.
The joys of France for man and dog.
Too sweet ?
Guess Atlanta summers leave France profonde ( literally ) in the shade.
Ah, the Scottish summer. It's not been any better on Tiree.
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