Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas quiet.

Christmas Eve afternoon. The 'tikes' and their parents head off to the Pyrenees on a deeply discounted, spur of the moment, skiing holiday. '' I didn't know you skied " says 'The Font' to the mother. 'I don't but the hotels got a spa'  and then, after the briefest of pauses while she looks at her little angels, she adds ' and a bar '.

This morning the village is quiet. The Old Farmer and the Belgian Lady are on the road. The matron of the old folks home is working as is the teacher at the school for 'difficult' children. The uncomplaining duty of those who carry responsibility. At the crossroads the curtains on the mayors house are tightly drawn. The mayors wife is recovering from her third hip operation. I have high regard for the mayors wife. She never complains, Never lets on that she's in constant pain. Never fails to turn up for a village event. Never fails to laugh and smile. One of life's stalwarts.

As Bob and Angus cross the village green on our pre-breakfast walk all is still and small and calm. That special silence that only comes once a year -  Christmas quiet.  No cars, no planes, no voices. After a year of noise there's something sacred about the silence. An unspoilt world.

Donkeys, deer, ducks, calves, quail, partridge, pheasants and owls all observed by Bob. A red squirrel pirouettes off a branch , lands at our feet, and scurries off into the undergrowth.The male PON, briefly, considers giving chase but thinks better of it. It's Christmas.

'The Font' applies Bobs eye drops. Was there really a hint of movement in the paralyzed right eye lid ? Perhaps the tiniest of Christmas miracles ? And why not have a little faith?

Sophie is on her feet and ready to party. 

Later today there will be turkey and roast potatoes and brussel sprouts and gravy in the downstairs library. A room where Sophie can join us with no stairs to climb, or fall down. Such are the altered rhythms of a dog house on Christmas Day.

A very Happy Christmas from everyone at The Rickety Old Farmhouse.

And here's a piece of Bach to get Christmas started :


WFT Nobby said...

Merry Christmas to all at the Rickety Old Farmhouse. Enjoy the turkey in the Sophie-accessible library.
Sending special hugs to Bob.
Gail and Bertie.

Coppa's girl said...

Merry Christmas to you all, may it be the most perfect day. Hugs, extra sausages, as well as turkey and all the trimmings, for Bob and Sophie.

Selina said...

A restful & joy-filled Christmas to you and yours. From Australia, where it's currently 37.5 degrees and I've just risen from a post-lunch nap. Wishing you all the best health-wise for Bob & Sophie in 2017. x

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Big or small, Christmas as you well know, is all about miracles! Merry Christmas, Angus!

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas. How special is that lunch in the downstairs library. What wonderful people. One hopes that Bob has received some illicit croissant from Santa and perhaps Santa is also working some health Magic for Monsieur Bob. As soon as Mlle Sophie is fully mobile she needs to care for her guardian angel. Have a wonderful time from Australia.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY TO ALL AT THE R.O.F. - from the Westcoast of Canada. Funny, isn't it? In all the fuss and muss of Christmas, and all the commercial ads for this and that and the must-haves. A tiny little hint of a movement in BOB's paralysed right eyelid is really the best possible Christmas wish and hope and gift of all. Only dog owners know what something minuscule like this means - in watching and waiting for recovery in our beloved canines. MERRY CHRISTMAS to the FONT, to ANGUS, for the recovering DEAR SOPHIE - and for the moment,
most of all for DEAR BOB, the Family Fellow. May his sister' recovery bring his own good health back. Now THAT would be a Christmas gift.

Duke said...

Merry Christmas, Bob and Sophie - and to your peeps too!

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

At the end of a perfect day down under, wishing you all the best for your Xmas day :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you all at the farmhouse from here on the East Coast of the USA! As I type, gratefulness fills me on this day with two contented friends (dogs) napping in the sunlight that is streaming in the windows. Wishing you all long, sunny days with those you love! Chris

Myboyzach said...


rottrover said...

Merry Christmas to all at the ROF! We too believe in Christmas miracles.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, so lovely to read this blog on this day too. Sophie and Bob are lucky to have you and the Font. Cheers

Unknown said...

Christmas invites us to believe that miracles are possible. We both wish you all a very merry Christmas and much happiness today.

Anonymous said...

From New Hampshire: Merry Christmas! We believe in Christmas miracles! We are winking right back at our Bob & Sophie!
Wishing you peace, joy and good health, Angus and La Font.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

A very Happy Christmas to all those in the Rickety Old Farmhouse from all of us at The House of Edward.
And all good wishes for a lovely new year.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sympathy to the other patrons at the ski lodge....

The Life of Riley said...

Merry Christmas to all at the ROF. Wishing you all the best for 2017.

Kari said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Christmas, itself, is a miracle so a much longed for sign might not be so unexpected.

BaileyBobSouthernDog said...

May this have been a peaceful and happy day for all those at the ROF. Thank you for the gift of sharing with us, your every day life in south west France. And I wish happy holidays to all the people, around the world, who respond to this very special blog! " Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night".

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

I hope your Christmas was a happy and joyous one. I for one am keeping the faith in hopes that Bob's "troubles" clear up.