Friday, October 20, 2017

Technology issues.

The conversion to the i-Phone 8 that the young Apple salesman said would be 'seamless and easy', isn't. The phone is brilliant but i-Tunes is not at all keen to talk to Windows 10. Various, slow to download, fixes only make things worse.  Much worse. Todays photos were put on a memory stick and pasted into the photo function before that too had a technical nervous breakdown.

After the weekend there are two days to ourselves to explore Washingtons National Portrait Gallery. One of life's joys is having the time to look at paintings without being in a rush. Because people are always in a rush art galleries tend to be empty. We find artists we've never heard of. Above a wonderful crisp, pigment as white as snow, picture by Rockwell Kent 'Winter in the Berkshires'.

'The Recital' by Nelson Shanks. How has he been able to capture the effect of stage lighting so perfectly ?

The detail in 'Wheat' by Thomas Benton. Mundanity raised to perfection. This is a painting I'd love to own. Shadow, light, a broken stem, grass growing below. Wheat and tares the oldest symbolism.

Norman Rockwells picture of Richard Nixon. What does it tell us about the artist and the sitter ?

'The Four Justices' again by Nelson Shanks. Probably  formulaic but where else would you see Sandra Day O'Connor, Ruth Baden Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotamayer together ?

'Stag at Echo Rock' painted by an unknown 19th century artist who hid a grumpy owl and absent minded squirrel in the picture. Bet the artist never expected it to have such a following.

'John Brown' of mouldering body fame by Hansen Bailing. Is there madness in the eyes or is it vision? A run of the mill portrait with a hint of genius .

Sylvia Plaths Girl Scout uniform from 1943.

The happy loquacious flower arranging ladies at Washington cathedral . What richness can be found in the little things.

Angus notices that the prayer cushion has a labrador theme. This presence of mischief amidst formality makes him smile. A very Episcopalian touch.

Tomorrow, or there abouts Bob and Sophie, who are well, will reappear; i-Phone 8 willing. Angus can only assume this whole process of downloading pictures would be easier if we had Apple desk tops instead of Dells.

Here's some relaxing October music :
Does anyone else hear hints of this in it ? :


Lisa in Tokyo said...

Thank you for making lemonade from the Apple lemons you are dealing with - what a lovely and eclectic selection! I have never seen Rockwell's Nixon before and don't recall ever seeing Nixon with that particular benign expression. Makes me wonder what Rockwell would have made of Trump!

WFT Nobby said...

Fascinating observations on the paintings. That Richard Nixon looks like an agreeable chap!

Taste of France said...

The more friction when using different systems, the more they can push you into their world. Resist!
Thank you for the gallery visit. Haven't been in too long and it was a welcome injection of art.

Susan said...

Like Lisa I am surprised at what a sympathetic portrait of Nixon Rockwell has created. You would never guess what a secretive character Nixon really was from this image. So I wonder what Rockwell was really seeing?

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I have to admit, its been a long time since I've been "downtown" and your post reminds me that I don't take advantage of the galleries and museums, and I should. Have you ever had the Tea & Tour at National Cathedral? It's an absolutely lovely way to spend an afternoon in Washington.

liparifam said...

Oh, the needlepoint cushions at the National Cathedral are just one of my favorite things! Absolutely incredible. They have a committee who decides on themes and patterns to needlepoint, and a team of stitchers to make them. The children's chapel is the best :)

OJ said...

Welcome back! You are not unique in experiencing problems after acquiring an Apple. Read Genesis 3:6-7!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I'm allergic to apples. ... seriously, they're bad for the arthritis (and sanity, if talking tech...) I love that wheat painting too! YAM xx

ScrapsofMe said...

Never be an early adapter, unless you are tech savvy. Wait a bit until the bugs are worked out. There is no shame in owning a previous version. The previous version is usually less expensive too.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Rockwell Kent is one of my favourites.
And yes, you need Apple desktops, or laptops... but Apple, definitely.

rottrover said...

Can you not create an iCloud account from your Dell so that all of your pictures are stored on "the cloud?" Then you can access them from both your phone and your computer...This from an Apple fan. Oh, and thanks for the tour of the gallery. Quite enjoyable.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing the paintings. To see them this morning has been a gift.
I'm especially drawn to the Thomas Benton and the face of John Brown.
You have my sympathy on the conversion issues. Very tiresome business.

Beau and Mom said...

I agree ... But, I'm thinking the new pictures with his New iPhone 8 are amazingly clear and crazy
But, I have a MacBook Pro and my husband loves his Samsung Laptop ... Ahhhh, technology !!

Beau and Mom said...

I love the clarity in the sky in the first shot ... ahhh. Beautiful

Liz Van Buren said...

Gosh. Thanks for the art, Angus! Most unfamiliar to me. I think the Nixon proves that Rockwell (however pedestrian) was a master; the John Brown unbelievably beautiful; and the Stag!! There's America's Henri Rousseau! Oh, and you have convinced me to keep my IPhone 4!