Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tip of the tail.

Sophie's still acting as if she's a little off colour but the blood tests were fine. She needs to lose some weight but apart from that everything checks out. The family diva was at her best in the vets surgery, somehow believing that the vet and the staff are all adoring fans. If the symptoms persist through mid-week she'll go down to the hospital in Toulouse for an ultrasound.

A tail waving start to the day. Horses, donkeys, goats and geese are all checked. The village passes muster. This  allows Sophie to rush along the lane in search of owl kill. It's her lucky day. She finds a large, partially eaten, shrew. The family diva trots along with this between her jaws and then, at the crossroads, she stops and chews it slowly and noisily. The tip of its tail peaks out from her mouth as she swallows it. Angus quietly shudders. 

Along the ox track the shrubs we've planted coming into full bloom.

After that it's time for dog and master to head off to the bakers for a coffee, a bowl of water and a shared croissant. All is well with the world.

Well done to this guy but I'd still like to sit in what I'm going to buy :

Scotland lost to England in the rugby. On the television one of the players said  he wasn't used to playing on a wet pitch. This struck me as being a pretty hollow excuse for a Scot :


Lisa in France said...

Nice entrepreneurial spirit from the car concierge! And Cherry and I are happy to hear the good news about Sophie, although Cherry sympathizes if Sophie is now going to be put on a diet. (Been there, done that.)

Angus said...

We try to control the calories but with road kill lining the verges it's an uphill struggle !

Anonymous said...

ANGUS - please read this informative article on dogs eating road kill, dead birds,rodents, etc, etc, etc. Highly dangerous - at the top of the list of dangers for dogs. I shudder every time she eats what she finds. Please do read this - it could save her life. Submitted with all good intent.

WFT Nobby said...

Good news on Sophie's blood tests, and fingers and paws crossed here that whatever it is she has is not serious. There's probably some folk remedy that says partially eaten shrews are good for you!
Murrayfield yesterday. On one hand a fiasco, on the other a strangely compelling spectacle? (We had the same weather in Aberdeen).
Cheers, Gail.

Anonymous said...

Google: WHAT TO DO IF YOUR DOG EATS A DEAD ANIMAL (Healthy Paws). This should take you straight to the link I sent to you.
Very informative, and shocking, the harm that eating a dead animal can do to you dog. Take care with SOPHIE. We all want her around for a very very long time.

Coppa's girl said...

We do hope that Sophie is given a clean bill of health and that she returns to her normal feisty self.
I have a similar problem with Inca, who likes to help herself to any "tasty" (revolting) morsel she can find on our walks. I need to be extra vigilant and find myself scouring the route ahead for anything suspicious. I have thought of putting her in a soft muzzle, which should stop her snacking, but it seems such a shame to make her look as though she's an aggressive dog. As a Labrador she gets a tremendous amount of fuss from people, and enjoys the attention.

Poppy Q said...

Glad to hear that Miss Sophie passed her vets test. Fingers crossed here too for her ultrasound.

I've been to Scotland - unless they play indoors I would agree that they must be used to a wet pitch.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Hope Sophie is more herself today. The diet is going to be hard when you have sooooo many pastries around.

Camille said...

My sister was a top salesperson for many years at a local car dealership. Retired at 65, and then missed her job terribly, but not the long hours. She started doing concierge sales several years ago on a whim and has never been happier. It's becoming increasing common over here.

Fingers crossed for Sophie. Leave those dead things alone dear girl!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh Sophie... really? Divas ought to above eating from the gutter, surely?!

Oh Angus... really? Whatever happened to the hardy shepherds (such as my uncle) who traversed the rugby paddocks all kinds of weather??? Nah, as Gail says, it was a very watchable match, as much for the travesty of missed balls and backward floating as it was for the brilliant sparks that appeared on both sides. In the end, England were the ones to pull together and make it work. Hey ho... YAM xx