Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Still no storms.

The start of day heat like Galveston in August. The weather forecast keeps on promising storms and torrential rain. They've missed us for two nights in a row. Perhaps they'll come charging down from the mountains tonight ? 

The sunflower seem able to withstand this blast furnace weather. The grass along the path that leads down into the valley can't. The stream hasn't quite dried up but it's barely flowing. My furry companion looks for minnows but is disappointed.

Walk over we're away in the VW to the cafe at the roundabout. Sophie loves sitting in the back of the car with the windows down. We're too early to be greeted by the municipal refuse collectors. Today there's a new waitress who brings me the croissant in a brown paper bag. I have to ask for a bowl of water for Sophie. The croissant is a 9/10. 

Into the frozen food store for a bag of oven chips.  They sell frogs legs. Not something you'd find in a Scottish store.

The youngsters from the special needs school had a socially distanced gathering on the village green. A variety of tents are put up for shade. This gives the village something of the look of a medieval encampment.  The special needs folks  particularly love this song which is repeated forever  - and I mean forever :


Poppy Q said...

Your frog legs reminded me of a dinner I went to when I was about 12. They were trying to be fancy and were serving frogs legs and snails. I refused to eat any, but my father sampled maybe too many. We were staying in a small rental and I remember him yelling out "snails" at 3am, and proceeding to vomit all over the bedroom. Also the local fish and chip shop had a cartoon on the wall of lots of amputee frogs rolling out of a shop in wheelchairs. So not a food for me.

Looks hot and dry, I hope you get some of the rain.


Lisa in France said...

You'd think it might get monotonous, every day a croissant and coffee, but no, not at all - some days the croissant and the coffee are social distancing, today the croissant is even wrapped in a bag, some days there's an amuse bouche, some days not, and then of course the ratings are different every day. I'm also always fascinated by your Picard photos. The last time, my theory was that France gets the Japanese food and we get the ratatouille, but then how does one explain the fact we have no frogs' legs?

WFT Nobby said...

The day starts with a dramatic thunderstorm here in Aberdeen. Bertie unperturbed.

Linda said...

And also cracking thunderstorm on Speyside. So very rare that it'll be the topic of conversation for days. There could be worse songs - I feared it might be Baby Shark.

paphosmuseum said...

Thunderstorm woke Papy at 7.still rumbling 2 hours later. It's days like today I'm glad I live on a slope. Stay safe, everyone.

Angus, update on the Font, please?

Angus said...

Thank you for asking after The Font. Seeing another specialist on the 21st. Not going quite as smoothly as anticipated but being monitored carefully and diligently.

Coppa's girl said...

So sorry to hear that 'The Font's' recovery is not proceeding smoothly. We hope that there will be more reassuring news on the 21st.
The first photo, of Sophie and the sunflowers at first light, is a work of art, Angus!

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Sending special thoughts to The Font. Please keep us updated on her doctor’s reports.