Thursday, July 8, 2021

Luxury Taxi.

Huge storms overnight. The Rickety Old Farmhouse creaks like a  sailing ship in a gale. One of the umbrellas by the pool has been blown open by a gust of wind and flown to the far side of the garden. There's nothing quite as forlorn looking as an inverted, shredded, pool umbrella. Angus will order a replacement today.

Sophie emerges into the daylight and observes the flattened lavender beds. She gives me her ' I'd like a tickle and some reassurance ' look. In fact this is more a ' I demand a tickle' look.

We head off for a brisk pre-breakfast walk down the hill. I'd hoped that the flax field might be in full bloom by now but the rain and cloud of the last week have held the flowering back. Give it a few more days and there should be a field of deepest blue stretching to the horizon. 

Sophie is fed and watered before being loaded up into the car and driven off to the greengrocers. The peas on sale are usually sad shriveled looking things but today they have the plumpest pods I've ever seen. Wednesday morning is clearly a good time to go shopping there. It's quiet. Has the recent upsurge in Covid cases started to keep people at home ? A man comes in without a mask. An assistant appears and offers him one. I overhear the words  'If you don't wear it you'll have to leave'. Bravo !

On the way home a Maserati taxi with Monte Carlo plates overtakes us. Not every day you see a $200k taxi. The speed limit on this stretch of road is 110 but this clearly only applies to Calvinist Volvo drivers and not Monegasque taxis.



Lisa in France said...

I have never seen a Maserati taxi, that's for sure. On the other hand, I did last night see a Rolls Royce SUV parked outside the members only restaurant that seems to cater to our local yakuza. It was perhaps the ugliest vehicle I have ever seen. I was thinking of you this morning as I walked to work - they've set up a Volvo "pop up shop" on the plaza outside my building. Needless to say, I was not tempted.

WFT Nobby said...

The peas do look good.
Currently enjoying my annual virtual tour through France courtesy of a certain famous cycling race!

Coppa's girl said...

A Maserati Taxi - only in Monaco! Not for the likes of us mere mortals. Oh dear, let's hope that isn't a friend of the German billionaire, come to offer support and advice on the best way to rid your little village of every bit of greenery!
Fortunately your storms last night haven't made it this far south - yet. There's a cool breeze and the sky is partly cloudy, so maybe your weather hasn't made it over the Pyrenees. I've just done a huge wash down on most of the tiled areas in the garden (there are over 600 square metres!) so I'm hoping that it will stay sunny and dry.
What a lovely thought - a field of blue stretching to the horizon - I look forward to the photos.

Fay said...

I had to laugh about the taxi, making the assumption that "beautiful" people expect a "beautiful" taxi. Perhaps the RR SUV has bullet-proof glass.... I, too, look forward to your fields of flowers.