Friday, July 16, 2021


Wet and windy has given way to overcast and chilly. This relative improvement in the weather calls for a trip down to the river bank to bark at ducks. The family diva  tries to ignore the amorous Yorkie that comes rushing over to greet her. The Yorkie soon divines that his approaches are 'unwelcome'.

A day for talking to serious folks in Silicon Valley. South Africa, Cuba and Tunisia all on the agenda. Countries where unemployment ( or underemployment ) among young males is above 35% tend to be powder kegs. Cubas economy contracted by 11% last year as tourism collapsed. This year is likely to be even worse .


Lisa in France said...

Interesting articles again today. 2.2 liters of Coke per day? I had to read that article twice to make sure I hadn't misunderstood. Yikes. And the dog article was thought-provoking - not surprising, if you've owned a dog, but it's one of those things you might not have thought about. The stories about Cuba are breaking my heart. When we visited a few years ago, it seemed they were holding things together largely by relying on a dual currency system that was totally dependent on having foreigners around to buy and spend the far more valuable "convertible cucs". A doctor could double or triple his salary in regular cucs by driving a taxi on the weekend and earning convertible cucs. With no tourists around, a huge amount of spending power would have drained out of the economy.

Coppa's girl said...

Inca can sympathise with Sophie. We have an amorous Weimaraner living close by, and every time we see him on our daily walks she shies off and wants to run home. He's a very frisky lad, but her stand-off attitude and his "interest" cause much amusement for both us owners, and usually both leads get tangled up in the fray.
A horrifying thought that 20 million males in the 19-24 age group will be trying to get to Europe, many of them making for the UK, no doubt. It's a tragedy that nowhere can support so many unemployed, as most countries now have their own problems with lack of jobs. Covid is so far reaching, as is the unrest in so many African countries.

WFT Nobby said...

Surely the Yorkie should realise that Sophie is totally out of his league.
Regarding the dog article, the scientist quoted toward the end got it right.
“The key thing is, are we asking the question in the right way that the animals understand?”

Linda Sue said...

Oh Sophie, I am so in love with you! Every morning I check on Sophie first of all, and am always delighted, thank you. Xx