Thursday, July 1, 2021

The chase.

It didn't take long. The family diva has discovered her ultra luxurious bed. At 5:30 am this morning she wakes, briefly, to greet Angus as he comes downstairs. Sophie continues to dose for half and hour while Angus talks to Manhattanites about weighty matters. Why is the West Coast of Canada suddenly one of the hottest places on earth? Is inflation transitory ? Can a big infrastructure package get the votes needed ? Is Putin thinking of stepping down ? Todays important Supreme Court decisions.  No wonder the family diva opts to slumber on.

Off to the valley for a start of day walk. Are all dog owners early birds as opposed to night owls ? No doubting we're the first up and about. The verges full of bees enjoying the sun on their backs and pollen on their snouts.

Back at The Rickety Old Farmhouse a drama unfolds .

In scene 1 Sophie's rump can be seen sticking through a box hedge. To the right a black and white C-A-T is lying on the grass. The C-A-T seems unperturbed.

In scene 2 Sophie works out that there's a black and white C-A-T in her garden. The noise level increases substantially. She gives chase in the general direction of where the C-A-T has been sunning itself.

In scene 3 black and white C-A-T can be seen heading off at high speed across the gravel into the rose borders.  The C-A-T has turned right beyond the well in search of safety. Sophie has turned left. She is by now demonstrating the  head back, full throated , PON howl. No wonder all the villagers know Sophie by name. It goes without saying that no C-A-T-S were harmed during the filming of this episode.

A pandemic craze or something that will last ?If I understand it correctly these folks will provide busy New Yorkers with an entire weeks worth of dinners delivered to their door :


Virginia said...

Sophie is priceless! That had me chuckling. Our elderly Goldie is completely unaware that she's named a "Retriever" and is quite untrainable. Not as much fun to watch as your Sophie, but every bit as ineffective. Thanks for the laugh.

Lisa in France said...

Happy see that Sophie has moved into her beautiful new bed. I thought it would work out. The Harvest Moon link was so very New York, it almost made me homesick. I think the word "curation" should be banned, however.

Coppa's girl said...

With all the excitement and energy expended chasing pesky C-A-T-S, it's a good job Sophie had that extra half an hour in her beautiful new bed!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
The concept of 'artisan' meals delivered to the door was around before pandemic. There is no doubt that such small businesses, though, are among those who made good out of pandemic need. No one in Dunoon - but there is PrepCo Scotland (who have also revamped their website - nearly as flash as that NYker one!!!) YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

Bertie is thrilled to learn that there's at least one dog out there with hunting skills to match his!

Peter and Shelagh said...

We just survived the heat wave here on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Some of the garden did not. It was the hottest it has ever been here.

rottrover said...

Curation, "lean in", "unpack", "onboarding" all should quarantined for a while...

rottrover said...

Your first photo this morning looks like a painting that should be found hanging in a room at the seaside resort you just returned from. Very beautiful.