Thursday, September 12, 2024

Geese and Spanish architects.


Three hundred geese, maybe four hundred, overnighting in the recently harvested wheat field outside 'The Fonts' cabin. They honk in irritation as we wander down  the track that leads to the shore. Irritated geese can make a dickens of a noise.

The lady with the Pomeranian is already on the beach but we're too early for Archie the arthritic labrador. In fact we pretty much have the place to ourselves. Seems the tourist season is well and truly over. It will be three hours before the students make an appearance. Ten am is the time when they start to stir. 

In the next village along the coast the fishmonger is already busy.

We consider Monkfish and Halibut but opt for Lemon Sole and wild Salmon tail.

The Spanish architects on their study tour are still in town.

There seem to be a lot of them wandering around . We pass a dozen of these groups of twenty standing looking upwards at obscure architectural detailing . Whatever must they make of this bizarre little town ? Someone has warned them about the Scottish weather and they are all well - and practically - dressed against the elements. The Spanish architects chat excitedly away and seem happy.

How tariffs work :

RAND on Russia :

In quad we meet one of the members of the R&A who has been on business in the States arranging a Senate golf tournament. While there he was invited to 'Swingers' to experience the future of golf : . It was not the sort of place senior members of the R&A usually venture into  and has left him with mild but residual culture shock. ' God forfend we get a Swingers here ' his take on what he's seen. Work starts on upgrading the old cinema to a 'Sports bar complex' next week. Is this what Tiger Woods and Justin Timberlake have in mind for our local cinema ?


Lisa in France said...

I love that you’ve linked the menswear guy, and it’s a great explanation of a subject that seems to confuse some people (ahem). Beautiful photo of the beach. I am in the UK this week while my son gets set up in London. We also visited my brother in Dorset and saw the spectacular Jurassic Coast cliffs along the ocean front there.

Coppa's girl said...

When there's no haar - you do have some spectacular sunrises - those first two photos are beautiful.

Lisa in FL said...

Interesting to note that “Swingers” is actually the concept of two English entrepreneurs and first opened in London! I’m sure R&A member would remain equally nonplussed despite this.

Travel said...

What a wonderful place to study the details of buildings. Probably not the first swingers club in DC.

rottrover said...

Beautiful sunrise shots!

Stephanie said...

Yes, the sunrise pictures are lovely.

Anonymous said...

The link you shared to the golf place in DC prompted me to look (online) into the golf facility that has been started in a formerly historic section of my city. It looks very similar, although it appears to be above ground unlike the DC location. I can't help but think that the kids raised on the internet have high standards for entertainment - anything that we have done in the past seems too tame for them. Louder! Brighter colors!