Monday, September 16, 2024

The strawberries are changing.

The curtain coming down on the summer. A new semester has started, the committee meeting at the R&A has drawn to a close and out here on the coast the farmers are baling the hay. Perhaps a dozen laggardly geese pass by. The weather is beautiful in that way it always is for arriving students. Give it a month and they will be wondering if the wind ever stops.

This morning there are 70 sparrows on the lawn. The breadcrumbs 'The Font' dutifully puts out first thing every morning  may, in large part, explain why we have record shattering numbers of sparrows and collar doves living in our gutters and hedges. The swallows and swifts may have gone but the starlings and sparrows will be our neighbours through the winter gales.

The strawberries from the hard working Polish lady have a whiteness to their flesh that says the hours of ripening daylight are shrinking They are still delicious and we eat them with an enthusiasm that recognizes it won't be long before tasteless 'imports' are the only ones available. The Polish lady still thinks there's another three week growing season ahead. GLWT !

Her husband is experimenting with home grown tomatoes. They're better than the pallid, thick skinned tomatoes you can buy in the supermarket but they're not likely to be exported to France or Spain or anywhere that has more than a smattering of sunshine.

This mornings radio broadcast introduces us to the world of Ms Laura Loomer. How could we have remained ignorant of such a colourful personality ?

The shop in Paris where French President Macron buys his ties has two hotel rooms that you can  stay in overnight. How very French - Bed and breakfast and a tie. The website says they provide hot water which is either Gallic humour or extreme literalism :


WFT Nobby said...

The Paris rooms hot water offer is on a par with the Aberdeen guest house which still advertises colour TV!

Coppa's girl said...

If the strawberry lady's husband's tomatoes are on a par with her strawberries, he will be on to a winner. A juicy, tasty tomato is a rare thing nearly everywhere these days.
The Paris rooms look appealing but the tiling in the bathroom is quite something!

Lisa in France said...

The Cinabre link was fun, although I don't think we'll be staying there anytime soon. I looked at the ties and was surprised to see dog ties pop up - but unfortunately, no PON tie, and the poodle tie looked nothing like our unkempt Charlie.

Travel said...

I only drive my car about once a week, the sparrows had built a nest on it over the past week.

Jim Davis said...

Now that you have been introduced to the world of Laura Loomer I can only offer you my greatest condolences.

rottrover said...

A whole new dimension of "shop 'till you drop"!

Jake of Florida said...

No words!