Wednesday, September 11, 2024


A slow start to our day. There's a traffic jam. The dustbin men have arrived in the village at the same time as the window cleaner / chimney sweep. We wait patiently as the bins are emptied. The chimney sweep gets out of his van and asks us if we want our chimneys swept while he's out this way.

It was gusty yesterday. The wind blowing at 50 mph. One of the oil supply boats is still at anchor in the bay. Does this signal that more 'weather' might be on its way ?

In town the first Christmas advert we've seen.

2,500 freshers have now settled in. This weekend the other 7,500 students will show up. I'm not sure there's anywhere else in the world that (relative to its size )  sees its population go through such a sudden seasonal shift. The emotional parents that were much in evidence earlier in the week now seem to have moved on. The freshers are at that stage where they are in the process of making new friends. They move around town in groups. They also consult maps which strikes us as amusing in a place with three streets.

The chaplain has a timely reminder for the incoming youngsters.

The price of Taco Bells varies enormously :


The Life of Riley said...

Interesting the price at Taco Bell varies so much. Since the early 80's I've always compared the cost of things by the price of a can of Coke and the price of a bottle of Heineken on the menu! I don't drink Heineken, my partner does, and it always amazes me the variation in price around NZ and the world of those two standard items.

Liz Hamblyn said...

Once upon a time it was rumoured that Taco Bell was coming to a small, provincial town in New Zealand (Wanganui) but nothing seem to eventuate. Why Taco Bell would come to Wanganui is beyond me.

Coppa's girl said...

The emotional parents are probably touring the area - just to make sure it's a civilised country to abandon their little darlings!

WFT Nobby said...

I assume the student are using maps on their phones and not the old fashioned paper A-Z variety?

jabblog said...

The topic for the sermon seems apposite.

Linda said...

I can quite believe the need to consult a map. When a student at St Andrews, my daughter, perfectly at home navigating remote Scottish hills with map and compass, kept getting lost at first in St Andrews' three streets.

Camille said...

Thankful that I dislike cheap and greasy taco bell. Ridiculous prices, especially here in NE. I remember getting a little turned around and confused upon visiting St.Andrews for the 1st time. Of course, overall I do tend to have the navigation skills of a gnat.

Travel said...

Did you schedule the sweep while he is there?