Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tagging along.

Once again the village starts its day swathed in thick sea fog but inland it's warm and sunny. The geese are still doing their thing. Down by the Old Course there's not a cloud in the sky and the golfers with seven am tee-off times can't believe their luck. 

In Starbucks a Canadian couple are having a spirited argument. They've bought one of the expensive apartments overlooking the 18th hole. They now discover that  VIP stands have gone up and residents on the first three floors have no view. " Why did we fly all this way to look at some scaffolding ?" asks the wife. The way she actually phrases this is a little more demonstrative.

Looking back along the road towards the apartments we think her irritation might be justified.

On the course the unusual sight of a man playing golf with three buddies. The mans wife, two daughters and a son-in-law are following on behind. The son-in-law is filming every moment. What the caddies must think of having the family tag along is best left to the imagination. Come to that the ' buddies' don't look too happy.

The weather has been good for the King and the villagers who have gone to compete :

More than you ever need to know about ear lobes :

Today we shall be driving down the coast to visit Kirkcaldy which was the home of Adam Smith the economist. It's a doors open day and the church there is having guided tours. Right on cue this book has just been published :


WFT Nobby said...

Yes, I can see the Canadian lady has a point!
Good to see the King and Queen enjoying the Braemar Gathering.

jabblog said...

Scaffolding isn't very attractive when you're expecting something else.

Travel said...

I would hope that the scaffolding will be coming down, but that does not improve her week there.

Camille said...

The scaffolding would make me cranky but it's all the more reason to leave that apartment and explore lovely St.Andrews. Really enjoyed the charming link regarding ear lobes. As a child I remember wishing I could move my ears around like a C.A.T.

Coppa's girl said...

How infuriating that the scaffolding has ruined the couples' view. I doubt they were told about it before they bought the apartment. Looking at the photo it seems that it will spoil many peoples' view of the 18th. Will it be a permanent fixture?

Megan said...

Hope you enjoyed Kirkcaldy, the Art Gallery is worth a visit. I went to secondary school in Kirkcaldy, it was called St Andrews High School! When I left and was at St Andrews University and people I met there asked which high school I went to it took a bit of explaining!