Tuesday, September 3, 2024

When does weather qualify as being awful ?

Outside the drawing room window there's a thick haar. Overhead a thunderstorm  emits long low growls. This is an unusual weather combination even by Scottish standards. You'd think the thunderstorm would blow the sea fog away. 

More out of boredom than necessity we do a shopping run into town. 

The baker is big on creativity this week. The putting green cakes with a Saltire and half a white chocolate golf ball are sure to be best sellers with the tourists. Biscuits with animal faces are cannily displayed at toddler height.

The Strawberry Danish is just what the doctor ordered on a wet Tuesday morning although 'The Font' is unimpressed with Angus's view that it counts as one of his 5 a day.

Names like Devon Split and Lemon Swish signal that the baker is not subject to passing fads and fashions.

We shall try to go for a walk when the fog lifts and the thunder storm passes.

This mornings radio offering :https://youtu.be/iLrfyj9_Us4 Which is followed by this :https://youtu.be/CkPOVYg4Bxc?t=291


WFT Nobby said...

Definitely one of the 'five a day'!

jabblog said...

The animal biscuits would tempt any small child. Canny shopkeeper!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Those are fresh strawberries - definitely on of the five! I'd watch The Brutalist - but probably not at the cinema... and the primordial cosmos article was indeed interesting. YAM xx

Stephanie said...

Thank you for the Schubert and I would like the lion biscuit, please.

Coppa's girl said...

Not quite sure what to make of the golf cakes - all that squiggly green stuff is a bit off-putting. However I agree with you Angus, those with strawberries could definitely count as part of your five a day!

rottrover said...

Yep! Strawberries are a fruit!