Thursday, September 5, 2024

Time flies by syndrome.

More and more 'young people' arriving in town. Second and third year students standing on street corners evincing a world weariness that sets them apart from the bright eyed freshers. Parents, suddenly waking up to the fact that their offspring are leaving home, bustle around supermarket aisles nervously displaying classic symptoms of time flies by syndrome. That peculiarly St Andrean question  " Are you sure you have enough warm clothing ? " heard in coffee shops.  We see the first tearful mothers. Next week should see peak student inflows.

We make it to the fishmongers as they're opening. A freshly landed halibut, some wild salmon tail and skinned lemon sole are bought. 

The Old Course is once again looking the part. Four Australians tee off as we wander by followed by four super serious Japanese businessmen. Two bubbly American ladies follow on behind. On a morning like this the Old Course has a charm no other golf course can match. Freshly laid patches of turf hint that the recent tournament has left the greens in need of some TLC.

The R&A is the sort of august institution that you'd think would be big on begonias. To our surprise they've planted a Derek Jarman style coastal garden to each side of the refurbished club house. The heathers and alliums have a sparse freshly planted look to them but next year, gales allowing, the beds could be stylish and quite possibly spectacular in an unfussy sort of way. 

After the spring gales restorative work on the aquarium is now steaming head. I wonder where the seals have gone while their pens are being repaired ? Despite the early hour a workman is hard at work with a pneumatic drill.


Travel said...

The my how time flies, hits the students just after graduation, when the world expects them to find a job.

WFT Nobby said...

Where else would you find the R&A and Derek Jarman appearing in the same paragraph?
Wonderful stuff, as ever!

rottrover said...

The plantings at the R & A appear to be what we, In California, call "drought resistant" though that approach is not necessary in your part of the world. Meantime, it's forecast to be 107 F here in Los Angeles today! The dogs and I will be "doing paperwork" for most of the day.

Stephanie said...

The planting is very appealing, a welcome change from the usual themes. I hope they fare well and that you'll give us another glimpse later on.