Wednesday, September 18, 2024

'Pop' out windows.

This mornings sunrise seen from 'The Fonts' cabin a colourful affair. The pale hues of summer being replaced by moodier autumn tones. There was a partial eclipse of the moon last night . Seen from across the unusually calm waters of the bay it was stunning.

The topic for this Sundays sermon makes us chuckle. There must be a lot of new students arriving in this little Scottish coastal town who are waking up to the fact that they're far from the sinful city.

No sooner does the new semester start than the first tours for 2025 wannabees kicks off. In quad a member of the faculty is boring forty or fifty American youngsters with details of SAT requirements.  The teenagers listen with varying degrees of interest. The fact that there's a 60% female, 40% male gender split among the undergraduates seems to be the only thing to generate some enthusiasm amongst the boys. 

A scattering of golfers waiting down by the first tee. The husband of the woman with the daughter studying in Korea is there. He's a caddie. He tells us that the new hotel extension on the 18th tee is having to replace all the windows on its top floor restaurant. Seems they were badly fitted and could 'pop' out in a Scottish gale. Lets hope the work is done this month.

As we head back down the hill after our morning walk a group of Spanish architects are heading up it. They have a purposefulness to them that hints that they don't intend to waste a moment of their time in Scotland. Town, I'd have to say, is looking at its best for them.

21st century friendship :

Music in unusual places. The sound of pipes in DC :


WFT Nobby said...

A window 'popping out' during a storm could quite spoil one's (no doubt pricey) dinner.

Diaday said...

Such a beautiful way to start the day!

Travel said...

We saw a University of St Andrews sticker on a car in the parking garage at the Cleveland Museum of Art yesterday. A great museum when you are out this way.

Stephanie said...

What a glorious sunrise plus the lunar eclipse which I'm sorry to say I missed.

WendyAnn said...

There is SO much to see in your wonderful pics.
Wendy (Wales)