Tuesday, January 30, 2018

An indecorous tableau.

The Belgian lady is out of hospital. She arrives at break of day in the Old Farmers venerable Mercedes. Bob stands on his stump seat and welcomes her home.

Angus and Bob play touch rugby while we wait for 'The Font' . Over dinner last night I listened in silent amazement to the story of the village prize giving. It seems the distribution of the mayors wife's dried vegetable arrangements was ' enlivened' by the village tike's who had ( while everyone else was at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new internet system ) rearranged the dried turnip, potato and radish arrangements into a precociously indecorous tableau. Root vegetables as adult installation art - a village first. 

The front paws are bad. The back ones worse. Sophie has been digging enthusiastically - but  unsuccessfully - for pre-breakfast moles.

When quizzed about her activities she first feigns deafness ....

.... then diva like indifference.

At the motorway toll booths a large group of customs officers and gendarmes. They're waiting for drug runners hurtling up from the Spanish frontier in Porsches laden with heroin for the Paris market. They don't bother to look up as two foreigners in a Volvo with two shaggy dogs in the back drive by. We're clearly not the high speed drug running demographic.

'Fluff' marshmallow spread makes its annual appearance in the supermarket. For 2018 it's joined on the exotic foods counter by Sea Salt Bagel Chips. Homesick Americans who find themselves in deepest, deepest France profonde can complete their diet with no less than two varieties of Duerr's peanut butter. 

Once you start watching this you can't stop. It's completely mesmerizing: http://flowingdata.com/2015/12/15/a-day-in-the-life-of-americans/


WFT Nobby said...

Bob and Angus preparing for call up for the Six Nations?

MOPL said...

Sophies look says " if you fed me more often and I started the day with an early breakfast I would not have to hunt for voles

Taste of France said...

I feel sorry for the mayor's wife. All that work, despite her pain...
Is heroin a big deal in Paris? I thought the border agents mostly looked for cigarettes.

Angus said...

Our knowledge of the Parisian heroin scene is limited to what we see on Canal+. However, if that is to be believed then the answer has to be a resounding yes.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bet the tyke was there somewhere to watch the reaction to his 'artwork'.

Coppa's girl said...

Sophie does look somewhat embarrassed in one photograph, but on the whole I'd say the family diva is pretty pleased with herself !
"Enlivened" vegetable arrangements sound "interesting" but still no photos to show us?

Susan said...

More evidence that you've turned into your father I suspect, if the police and customs officers ignore you.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Not just mesmerising - dizzying! And that's just the tales from deepest France profonde... YAM xx

Emm said...

Pictures, or it didn't happen. C'mon, Mongoose, don't keep us in prurient suspense.

liparifam said...

I cannot stop watching!

BaileyBobSouthernDog said...

The vegetable, fruit, and flower arrangements were the Mayors wife’s way of expressing gratitude to the community. I am sad her gifts were rearranged by pranksters, who diminished the work of such a kind lady.