Friday, February 1, 2019

Double quick time.

An excellent croissant this morning. The PONs display their approval by waving their tails in double quick time.

It buckets down with rain. There's a brisk wind off the Bay of Biscay which gives the deluge a particularly chill Hebridean feel. The ladies from the Women's Cooperative arrive at the door, followed shortly afterwards by the new cleaning lady and shortly after that by Loic. No sooner are they all busy doing various things than the heating oil tanker arrives. The front door is forever being opened. This allows gusts of frigid air to blast through the house.

Bob considers all this activity to be highly exciting. He is also in one of his ' when I'm in I want out, when I'm out I want in ' moods.

Bob and Angus discuss the news that China and America are to hold a new summit. An enormous issue. The President is staking his entire Presidency on dealing with China. Bob wonders what this means for Canada . He's reassured that any agreement that leaves Canada isolated  would face major blow back from Congress. Bob relaxes.

Hopefully, the painting will finish today and we can get back into our usual routine.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
As always, the mundane is raised to high-value reading with the morning cuppa! Thanks Angus, Bob, Sopie et al... YAM xx

Taste of France said...

I don't have PONs but I have a teenager, who is discovering the news. The other day, a question was "what is a usurper?" I soon was deep in discussion of the differences between sweet and sour crude and where they can be refined. Toddlers are a lot of fun and full of surprises, but so are teens.

Poppy Q said...

Nice bakery choices today thank you. The pond look in need of a scratch at the top of their heads. Please give them one for us.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Better choices at the bakery - I see again see a hat-tip to the US with brownies and chocolate chip cookies. At work on Tuesday another doctors office brought us donuts and croissants, from Dunkin Donuts. Dare I tell you just how truly terrible the croissants were? Not even edible. The donuts were not so good either.

And I think our president was staking his entire Presidency on the wall. I won't mention what I'm staking it on, but it involves Bob Mueller.

Pam in NH said...

I love seeing Bob's eyes, I actually trim our neighbor's doodle's eye area when he visits. He's pure black and I love to see his expressive eyes. Anyway, I received a text one evening asking if I had trimmed Bueller's eyes & I had to fess up. Luckily they thanked me profusely and said keep it up please. He's 18 months and "resists" their efforts.
Kim, I pray daily for both RBG and Mr. Mueller's well-being. They are our only hope.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Yes, I also say prayers for the health and well-being of RBG and Mr. Mueller. And I could certainly use you to trim the hair around the eyes on our 'doodles! 😊