Saturday, February 9, 2019


A herd of deer wander across the road in front of us. Seven of them in total. The young males just starting to sprout antlers. The PONs are completely oblivious to their presence. The deer stop and peer at us through the mist. The PONs still remain oblivious. Bob and Sophie seem to have selective eyesight. They can work themselves up into a lather if they as much as see a cat twitch but a herd of deer goes unnoticed. 

By the end of our walk the mist has burnt off and the sun is out. Sophie finds the drainage ditches are brim full after last nights mountain storm. She slurps noisily, rump in the air, from her favourite spot by the horse field.

Sitting on the concrete storm drain, a PON on either side, I can't help but marvel at my good fortune to be on a small piece of rock hurtling through space with the suns warmth on my cheek. Sophie greets the donkeys. Bob wonders if Mat Whitakers peremptory attitude has done him any favours.

The wonderful pineapples from the Ile de Reunion out of season. Unable to decide which is better I choose one from Cameroon and one from Costa Rica. They're enormous. The first two and a half kilos, the other nearly three. The Oxford Companion to Food informs me that a pineapple is a composite fruit made out of 200 berries fused together. There is a giant variety that can weigh up to 10 kilos. The bromelin enzyme in pineapples is so powerful that plantation workers have to wear rubber gloves to avoid their hands being eaten away. The things you learn !

On zebra crossings do you stare at cars coming towards you ? :


WFT Nobby said...

The walk where one sees the early morning mist clear to reveal a bright fresh new day is one of the privileges of dog ownership.

Poppy Q said...

I love pineapples. Which one did you prefer?

Most of ours are grown in Queensland, Australia.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Actually, I do. Well, it's more that I have to make sure they are braking before I step out because, even with walking stick, I am not at all nimble... I have noted that some are thinking they might beat me, but that looking into their window sometimes has resulted in emergency stop action. Very satisfying. On the flip side, as a driver, I am acutely aware of pedestrians. Mainly because of the above-mentioned mobility awareness.

Mmmmmmm pineapples. Now you have me drooling for something I don't have. Mango will have to do. YAM xx

Camille said...

I always make eye contact, give a small smile and wave, then step briskly across because that's how my dad taught me when I was a wee girl. It's the polite thing to do. But then again, I live in a quiet part of the world where it's appreciated. No doubt I'm considered balmy when I do the same when visiting NYC or Boston. Your countryside photos look so pretty this morning.

Janet said...

I was struck by a car while in the crosswalk and crossing with the walk signal. The driver told the officer "When I looked up and saw her, I was going too fast to stop before I hit her." The driver lost her license. In Virginia it's illegal to have a car in a crosswalk when a pedestrian is there. After that narrow escape, I become a bobble head at intersections/crossings, turning to check that any drivers in my proximity realize I'm there. I actually feel safer jaywalking, but that's illegal. Sigh. One amusing thing about the driver who hit me, when the officer gave me a copy of her insurance information, she asked, "Wait a minute. Don't I get a copy of her insurance information?" The officer replied, "Ma'am, you hit a human being not a car."

Emm said...

These days, it's hard to tell The Onion stories from real ones, as evidenced by the real-life reactions.
I know pineapples are good for you, and tasty, but nearly six kilos all at once? Are you using them for juice?
One theory about the rudeness displayed at Friday's hearing is that the former hot-tub salesman, who will soon be out of his temporary job, may have been auditioning for his next gig, as chief of staff at a large residence.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Sophie saying hi to the donkeys is a great one. We had some pineapple last night after dinner. It was so good and juicy. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
World of Animals