Saturday, February 12, 2022


Saturday morning. The Anger Management Mans teenage son is up and about early cutting logs. His father is shouting at him and displaying the 'anger' rather than the 'management' side of his character. The small dog that belongs to the Belgian Lady doesn't like the sound of the teenagers chain saw and has taken to barking like a thing possessed. The Old Mayor has had one of his 'sleepless' nights and is outside the church preparing to take down the 'Joyeuse Noel' sign that was put up above the church door but somehow never attached to the electrical supply.

We head off for our morning walk to the Electricite de France forest. Lines of trees planted in straight lines for as far as the eye can see. Presumably some land conservation measure. Sophie loves the Electricite de France forest. She can roam to her hearts content without losing sight of her companion. This is known as PONette bravery.

Every day we have taken to driving off en famille to explore the local countryside. Something we've learnt from The Old Farmer.  Yesterday we stop off in a little pilgrimage village. The pilgrims hostel offers room and board for 11 euros a night which has got to be some sort of record.

The little medieval church still has Christmas lights hanging on its entry wall. Our village isn't the only one to have a relaxed attitude to taking them down.  The church looks dark from the outside but inside is infused with light. We take it in turns to explore. One outside with Sophie. The other inside in the silence.

In the morning light Joan of Arc has developed a technicolour glow.

There are some remnants of 14th century wall paintings that have survived wars and revolutions. One large devil seems to be eating a smaller devil. Must have given the 14th century pilgrims goose bumps. Why do devils always have hooves ?

Brits have been told to leave Ukraine ' while they still can' and Paris is facing being blockaded by angry truckers who are going all Canadian.

The lack of excitement of life in a small French village with a sheepdog has its attractions.



WFT Nobby said...

The little medieval church is a lovely find. And the Tonga volcano eruption will long provide geoscientists with a rich source of research material!

Susan said...

It's Saint George slaying the dragon.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What a wonderful church visitation... and yes, something to be said for tucking oneself away at interwebs distance from the happenings of the world... YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

The Electricite de France forest reminded me of a place I haven't thought of in years. I grew up near a huge natural park named the Watchung Reservation. The Reservation has miles of horseback riding trails, and one of our favorite places to ride was what we called simply the Pine Forest. Your post made me wonder whether it has survived and it seems it is now known as the Enchanted Forest, described on Wikipedia as "a pine plantation of 16,000 trees placed in "endless, ruler-straight rows" by the New Deal-era Civilian Conservation Corps during the 1930s". Maybe your forest has some similar origin story. The medieval church is lovely, and your links today were fascinating. I

Travel said...

It is so nice joining you for a stroll in a quiet sleepy French village each day, Thank you the world needs this

I'm a Sophie Doodle Dog said...

Beautiful pictures from the church. Thank you for sharing.

Ruth Martin said...

Dear Angus, I must take exception to your expression "going all Canadian" to describe the convoy bearing down on Paris. The protesters here in Canada represent the far right fringe whose funding and rhetoric come largely from the U.S.A. The truckers involved are independent contractors who to all appearances have been brainwashed by protest organizers, and their stance is not endorsed by the trucking industry in this country. Indeed, the vast majority of Canadians view these activities as emphatically un-Canadian. Frankly this has become an international embarrassment for us, no doubt to the organizers' glee. Your blog has become my daily small refuge from harsh reality.

Coppa's girl said...

What a delightful little church - the interior is so unexpected. Exploring the countryside is an excellent way to avoid the Anger Management Man's shouting and the chain saw for a few hours!
Could it be that the devil has hooves to make a quick get away!

Stephanie said...

I like the picture of Sophie in the forest; I can imagine how she must enjoy this freedom. The little church is most charming.

Jim Davis said...

Ruth Martin, well said. You have captured the nature of that Canadian situation perfectly. They are a fringe group and have been manipulated quite successfully. And BTW, when the police arrived in force today to clear the blockades they all slunk away quietly.

Kten said...

As someone who has to cross through downtown Ottawa, Canada (I am an essential worker)- I can say it is crazy times! I am trying to be patient with the protesters - some of whom are anti-covid mandate and some who are clearly dangerous people (anti-government, racist, want a fight), but it is hard. I am grateful for a week off.

The church is stunning and I wish we had such beauty near by!

Sharon said...

Ruth I agree with you. I live in a small village on Lake Ontario and we had a convoy go through, 4 trucks and 10 cars. They were booed and mooned. Pretty cold for mooning.

Sharon said...

Forgot to say I love the picture of Sophie snuffling through the forest.