A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.
Two 'street dogs' at the market. It's wet and they're sheltering under the concrete stairs next to the elevator. Their master , a gaunt, dread locked, young man in his early twenties standing collecting coins in an old tobacco tin. A length of rope wound round the dogs collars and tied to a rucksack . As I pass, the two dogs leap to their feet and come rushing over. They rub their heads against my legs and stand, heads held high, while each gets a tickle behind the ears and a quick word of encouragement. Why this sudden interaction ? A dogs need for love and companionship ? Or just a greeting for a passing 'dog person ' ? Their eyes speak volumes. The young man gets a €2 coin, the street dogs a small bag of kibbles we had in the back of the car.
It's taken ten months of experimentation but Sophie has discovered that if she sleeps on the staircase she can monitor everyone that comes in and out of the house. This makes her a very happy sheepdog. Two inconsequential events. Too unimportant for a diary but a reminder that life is constructed through these 'little' moments that shouldn't go completely unrecorded.
Angus, bless your heart....you are a good person. I'm sure the young man appreciated the bag of kibble for his canine friends a whole lot. Sophie is a very smart lady....my prediction that she would be the one to watch is ringing true. My Brownie sleeps at the beginning of the corridor leading to the bedrooms...that way he can monitor all the living area entrances and also what's happening along the corridor.
These moments make life worth living.... from Southern Italy we greet you - Susannae, Daisy, Kiri and Dandy-lion
Angus, bless your heart....you are a good person. I'm sure the young man appreciated the bag of kibble for his canine friends a whole lot.
Sophie is a very smart lady....my prediction that she would be the one to watch is ringing true.
My Brownie sleeps at the beginning of the corridor leading to the bedrooms...that way he can monitor all the living area entrances and also what's happening along the corridor.
You aren't simply a dog person, you are a good man. God bless.
The comment above from 'Unknown' has said it best.
Darling Sophie. How uncomfortable she looks but she has her priorities sorted.
Bless you and your kindness. I hope they are cherished as faithful companions.
Sophie and Merlin enjoy the same perch; one paw down, one eye closed.
"Unknown" said it perfectly.
I'm glad you were able to help the street dogs and the young man out. Small kindnesses are what makes the world go round.
Sophie, that sounds like an impressive feat! Morgan salutes you!
a good man indeed. a tall man in every way. ♥
The poor street dogs - i hope they get the occasional demi-croissant
I'm glad to see the dogs were friendly. Even in such harsh living conditions, they must be treated as well as possible.
Thank you.
My heart breaks for the young man and the dogs. Thank you for showing them kindness.
And still room to walk up the stairs. How considerate of Sophie.
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