A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Monday, March 17, 2014
I slept and dreamed that life was beauty, I woke and found that life was duty.
For the PON's a day spent guarding the Rickety Old Farmhouse against wayward pilgrims. On this sunny Sunday there are lots of pilgrims so our canine duo are kept very busy. Bob stands on his hind legs by the gate trying to look ferocious . He doesn't succeed.
We've always said that the only way one of our dogs would hurt anyone is if they fell over them--I'd say the same for Bob, but Sophie on the other hand...
PS: Six inches of snow on the ground this morning--I heard from another blogger in France that he'll be mowing for the 3rd time, I envy that! Enjoy your day!
Too gorgeous for scary. One day I'm going to be one of those pilgrims and I'm going to sweet talk your poms. I can speak dog perfectly well. I fact, far better than my worse than mediocre French.
I like that tree stump bench that Bob has commandeered for his look-out spot by the gate....or was it made specially for the PON duo? The "Attention: Au Chien" sign would not make me afraid of Bob or Sophie at all....they are too cute. Actually if I were a passing pilgrim I'd probably have a nice little chat with both of them as I made my way along.
Bob, if a miracle should one day happen and I get to meet you, I'll make a solemn promise to look terrified. Maybe even scream. After I hug you, of course.
One more suggestion for ‘the font’: “Lucky Planet: Why Earth is Exceptional — and What That Means for Life in the Universe” David Waltham ASIN: B00GL9TP1E (will be released for sale April 8, 2014) And, remembering this blog is read by many canine intellectuals, a recommendation for Angus, Bob, Sophie and any other interested pups: “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know” Alexandra Horowitz ASIN: B002NT3B52 I’m on chapter 7 of Lukacs’ book. Had to read most of that chapter (and chapter 3) twice. I also have had to read outside the book on several events and concepts he discusses. I’ll stop now. Honest.
We ordered the two books on Astrobiology. Thank you. The Lukacs book , although short, is best sipped like a fine wine - one paragraph at a time. Sometimes it's best just to leave it and come back or read something else. His concept of isms and wasms requires reflection.
Maybe Bob needs more back up from Sophie?
PONs just don't have that ferocious look...sorry Bob.
XXXOOO Bella & Roxy
I agree, too cute to be ferocious
We've always said that the only way one of our dogs would hurt anyone is if they fell over them--I'd say the same for Bob, but Sophie on the other hand...
PS: Six inches of snow on the ground this morning--I heard from another blogger in France that he'll be mowing for the 3rd time, I envy that! Enjoy your day!
Bob, I think you're going to have to give up on the dream of looking scary!
Too gorgeous for scary. One day I'm going to be one of those pilgrims and I'm going to sweet talk your poms. I can speak dog perfectly well. I fact, far better than my worse than mediocre French.
Would shaggy do instead ?
Shouldn't it be "aux chiens"?
ferocious puppies. now i've heard everything.
if the pilgrims only knew that all it took was a half croissant! LOL.
Or a rice cake.
Keep trying Bob! ;) Happy St Patrick's Day!
Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max
I like that tree stump bench that Bob has commandeered for his look-out spot by the gate....or was it made specially for the PON duo?
The "Attention: Au Chien" sign would not make me afraid of Bob or Sophie at all....they are too cute.
Actually if I were a passing pilgrim I'd probably have a nice little chat with both of them as I made my way along.
Bob, if a miracle should one day happen and I get to meet you, I'll make a solemn promise to look terrified. Maybe even scream. After I hug you, of course.
One more suggestion for ‘the font’: “Lucky Planet: Why Earth is Exceptional — and What That Means for Life in the Universe” David Waltham ASIN: B00GL9TP1E (will be released for sale April 8, 2014)
And, remembering this blog is read by many canine intellectuals, a recommendation for Angus, Bob, Sophie and any other interested pups: “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know” Alexandra Horowitz ASIN: B002NT3B52
I’m on chapter 7 of Lukacs’ book. Had to read most of that chapter (and chapter 3) twice. I also have had to read outside the book on several events and concepts he discusses.
I’ll stop now. Honest.
We ordered the two books on Astrobiology. Thank you. The Lukacs book , although short, is best sipped like a fine wine - one paragraph at a time. Sometimes it's best just to leave it and come back or read something else. His concept of isms and wasms requires reflection.
You know how to win over a boys heart !
The tree surgeon that took down the old oak tree made us a stump chair. Too uncomfortable to sit on, too big to put on the fire.
And to you Maggie Mae and Max.
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