A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
A night to remember.
A fun night. A storm cell barges its way down from the mountains and settles over The Rickety Old Farmhouse for some serious partying. An enormous thunderclap shakes tiles off the roof and sets the burglar alarm going. The security lights come on and the car alarms wail. Water pours through the ceiling. The gutters runneth over. For good measure it hails heavily. 'The Font' collects buckets to collect the downpour while Angus deals with the alarms before clambering into the loft to make 'running repairs'. For this he wears a raincoat and a pair of wellington boots. 'The Font' finds this highly amusing and gets a fit of the giggles. Angus is unamused and wonders whether clambering around in a wet attic is a sensible thing to do with lightning flashing all around. This makes 'The Font' giggle even more. '' At least you're wearing rubber soles'' comes the reply. Angus points out that the conductive power of rubber soles won't do much good if your boots have filled with water. Sheets are laid in the downstairs hallway. We expect Bob and Sophie to be panicked by the noise but they sleep soundly through the entire commotion. Bob does at least raise an eyebrow to see what's going on then promptly falls asleep again. His sister doesn't stir.
This morning a lake has formed in the hollow ground behind the pool house. This causes great pre-breakfast excitement of the '' Bob look what happens when I run through it at high speed '' variety. This is definitely shaping up to be the best day ever.
This is an interesting chart showing media bias based on partisanship and quality . Don't know why they have The Economist in the yellow rather than the green box:
Hari OM Crikey, so much for the sedate life at the ROF...
Interesting chart; the Economist can tend to opinion about the news, rather than a straightforward reporting of the facts is, I think, the point here. One could be relieved at seeing the BBC rating well for both fact and balance. Sir Cliff holds a different opinion about their standards, I'm sure. (Of course, knowing how the data was collected in order to avoid bias within the results might be germane...)
Meanwhile, back at the ROF, all the best for more permanent and storm-proof repairs! YAM xx
One has to admire the Pons ability to sleep through such a storm and the chaos in the house. We hope none of your lovely antiques are ruined due to the rain.
I agree that The Economist should be in the green box, right up there with Bloomberg and certainly the NYTimes. They definitely put Trump's favorite network, Fox, where it belongs. What a night! Hope you can find a roofer asap. Of course this would happen at the weekend.
Angus, I think happy birthday greetings may be in order today. If you were given even a fraction of the happiness that your readers have enjoyed, you would be a very rich man. Thank you so much and may you - and all at the ROF - have a best ever day! Stephanie in Northern California
Hari OM
Crikey, so much for the sedate life at the ROF...
Interesting chart; the Economist can tend to opinion about the news, rather than a straightforward reporting of the facts is, I think, the point here. One could be relieved at seeing the BBC rating well for both fact and balance. Sir Cliff holds a different opinion about their standards, I'm sure. (Of course, knowing how the data was collected in order to avoid bias within the results might be germane...)
Meanwhile, back at the ROF, all the best for more permanent and storm-proof repairs! YAM xx
One has to admire the Pons ability to sleep through such a storm and the chaos in the house. We hope none of your lovely antiques are ruined due to the rain.
I agree that The Economist should be in the green box, right up there with Bloomberg and certainly the NYTimes. They definitely put Trump's favorite network, Fox, where it belongs.
What a night! Hope you can find a roofer asap. Of course this would happen at the weekend.
Very interesting diagram.
But sorry Angus, I too had a giggle along with the Font at the description of your thunderstorm attire.
Cheers, Gail.
Hehehehe! Karma for the "chaff covered Font" comment?
Angus, I think happy birthday greetings may be in order today. If you were given even a fraction of the happiness that your readers have enjoyed, you would be a very rich man. Thank you so much and may you - and all at the ROF - have a best ever day! Stephanie in Northern California
Thank you. These days birthdays seem to come around in what seems like about two weeks.
I hope tonight is a quieter one, and not one where you have to get "dressed up."
Mr Angus - what are the pictures above the doors?
They are old 18th century pictures of the village that have been there since the house was built.
May I also add my belated Birthday wishes!
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