A new website informs me that 'Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are happy,alert, clever and fearless. They have a good memory and are intelligent,making them easy to train '. Bob is told to 'sit' while I open the back of the car. He looks at me bemusedly. The word 'sit' treated as if it's a new addition to his vocabulary. For a moment I wonder about the clever and intelligent part of the PON description. Sometimes it's best to say nothing.
The family fellow is finally harnessed up and made ready for his early morning walk. The sunlight making the usually dull looking tamarinds glow.
The Miele washing machine celebrates its second birthday by giving up the ghost. Calls to the support centre met with a dozen options all of which cut you off. A quick trip to the local electronics store. A new machine is bought, put in the back of a van and delivered. Buying is easy in France, it's the after sales service that is non-existent. Both delivery men have their cheeks smeared in blue, white and red paint ahead of the World Cup match against Belgium. They can't fit the machine because they're missing the tube that connects the machine to the drain. '' Don't worry Monsieur. We'll come back tomorrow ". Hmmmm.
This chart from The Independent is interesting. No wonder Europeans don't understand us :

How billionaires honeymoon : https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-02/secrets-of-honeymoon-planners-for-billionaires
With the greatest respect, Bertie would like to point out that it's a mistake to equate intelligence with obedience!
I have people standing outside my office door wondering why I am howling with laughter. As an often-perplexed American working in a "Commonwealth" organization in Asia, I have suggested that your chart be added to our official onboarding materials for the occasional inbound non-Commonwealth alien.
The first command all our Lab pups were taught was to sit. Absolutely no problem as long as there were treats involved ! Sophie, with her love of food, should get the message even now. Maybe Bob will get the message too?
What Bob remembered yesterday he sometimes forgets today.
The Anglo-EU translation guide - explains why the Brexit negotiations are going sooo well.
Of course the washing maching stopped working. There's a hidden timer that goes off right at the two-year limit for customer service.
I don't know which is funnier--the translation chart or Bertie's comment.
Sophie wants me to tell you and your clan she's of the belief that commands to sit, stay, and lay down are optional based upon a dog's current mood. She also says she, along with your Sophie and Bob, are very intelligent! Oh, and all the other dogs reading your blog. ;-)
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