Sunday, July 1, 2018


Sunday morning. Sophie is ready for the off.

So is Bob.

Before we go Bob has to find his old friend Lamb on a Rope who has been 'vacationing' in a lavender border.

After last nights bacchanalia ( France beat Argentina 4-3 in the World Cup ) the lane outside The Rickety Old Farmhouse in preternaturally quiet.  Not a car to be seen this morning. Hangovers to be worn off.

Bob stops long enough to explore an exciting scent outside the front gate. His tail wags. While he's distracted Sophie picks up Lamb on a Rope and heads off down the lane - head high - with Lamb clasped between her jaws. Bob, belatedly, realizes what has happened and chases after her. At the storm drain we all stop to discuss the Supreme Court and the pre and post mid-terms electoral arithmetic of the Senate.  Sophie refuses to drop Lamb. Bob makes little whimpering noises and looks glum. A more cynical dog owner might think the PONs aren't really interested in SCOTUS nominations.

So starts an already hot summer Sunday morning in deepest, deepest France profonde.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
No, never, the PONs are as intereted as anyone else...just not prepared to let it disturb their peace!!! YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

Maybe Bob is whimpering in despair at the likely direction of the Supreme Court. Or is that just some of us humans...

Coppa's girl said...

The PONs detached interest in Foreign affairs of state, is probably the best stance to take. If I were Bob, I'd stay with my concern about his sister's ability to snaffle Lamb on a Rope, when I'm not looking !

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I just wish our dogs, especially Todd, who I'm quite sure is a democrat, could vote in November. And I'll confess that I sent money to the Red Hen last week.

Poppy Q said...

Your lane looks lovely. The Pons look great too - give them a bit pat from me.

Sheila said...

The first thought I had after hearing of France's victory was of the celebrations at your Salle des Fetes.
Unfortunately, I think the makeup of the Senate prior to the midterms is the only one that matters. If the Democrats somehow delay the vote on a new justice until after November, it would be a miracle.