Saturday, March 16, 2019


Six am. Sophie wanders into the kitchen to greet Angus. She looks a little dishevelled.  '' Rough night ? " I ask.  This is one of those mornings when a girl clearly needs a little time to adjust.

This week has been a week of definite progress at The Rickety Old Farmhouse.

1) The joiner has replaced the door to the wine cellar. He's also repaired and rehung one of the 18th century shutters.
2) The builder has laid some new floor tiles.
3) The gardeners have replaced the dead lavenders and are planting new olive trees .

We're still waiting for the plumber and the electrician but 3 out of 5 is a pretty good turn out rate .

The PONs have shown a great interest in everything that's been done. Sadly, none of this weeks visitors have brought Jaffa Cakes.

Exhibition on dogs :


WFT Nobby said...

Maybe the joiner, builder and gardeners are all under the mistaken impression that the PONs too are observing a 'no cake' Lenten fast?

Poppy Q said...

Yum jaffa cakes.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, that's ridiculous - do those workers not know what the whole of Blogville knows about PONs and Jaffa Cakes??? Meanwhile, back at the Hutch, we are under a blanket of snow. Thick and hearty soup required today. YAM xx

Angus said...

Snow ?

Stephanie said...

Sophie looks beautiful no matter what, of course. Disheveled probably doesn't even begin to describe me first thing in the morning. Stephanie in Northern California

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Spring seems to be arriving in your area. Not only new plants, but it seems the workers have their sap running, too.

Yamini MacLean said...

...yup, white all the way down to the shore. That was yesterday. Today, only the tops are white and the sun is bright. That's March for you. Yxx