Monday, March 11, 2019

Goats, wine and chocolate.

Two goats have managed to squeeze under the fence and escape onto the lane. Sophie sees them but is too interested in something small and furry and dead to give chase. Bob is quickly harnessed up before he decides to hurtle after them. The goats kick their back legs and head off across the fields. The Shetland Pony that shares their paddock looks on unconcernedly.

The schools go back today after a two week break. The five year olds waiting for the bus wave at Bob and Sophie. The two tikes are too busy looking glumly at their phones to notice us.

Angus has given up chocolate for Lent. He is also cutting down on wine to one small glass with dinner. He describes this state of affairs to the wine merchant. We agree that the obvious solution to this quandary is to drink better wine in smaller quantities.

Cakes, 'The Font' informs me, fall into the chocolate category.

White asparagus in the greengrocers. 

Back at home Angus describes the no cakes, limited wine abstemiousness to the PONs. Sophie looks as if she shares my pain. Self denial is not a concept that the family diva understands.


Emm said...

Surely, there are some small cakes without chocolate.

Taste of France said...

Why Lent? Or are the ends a diet and Lent merely the means?

WFT Nobby said...

The baker must have some cakes with fruit that count as part of one's 'five a day', surely? And I am worried that the high quality wine, drunk at a rate of a small glass per day, will not taste so great by the time the end of the bottle is reached. (I am assuming here that the 'Font's Lent regime will not be including two large glasses of wine with dinner...?)
Cheer, Gail,

Angus said...

Angus has been instructed to get back into the green band from the yellow on the Body Mass Index so yes, it's a Lenten cholesterol lite Diet.

Angus said...

A bottle will still go in 3 days - which i carefully stoppered works.

sillygirl said...

If I give up anything for Lent it is obligations.

Julie said...

No chocolate!?!? No cake!?!? Restricted wine!?!?
That's far to puritan for my tastes

Peter and Shelagh said...

Your poor retail people are now facing financial hardship due to your diet!

The Life of Riley said...

Not necessarily as the wine merchant cleverly maintains his income by getting Angus to try better wines and after Lent Angus might not want to return to drinking the cheaper options! No cakes... Angus do you and your PONs also have to give up your daily croissant or would that be one step too far?