Monday, March 4, 2019

Just another Monday morning.

For Angus the day ahead already planned. Call the joiner, chivvy along the electrician, talk to the builder about all the things he promised to complete last year ... or the year before. Book an appointment with the vet for Bob and Sophie's annual jabs. Remember to chase up the gardener to order replacement lavenders for those that didn't survive the winter winds. Talk to men in dark suits about Rand Paul and debt ceilings and sequestration.

A sliver of  crescent moon, as thin and delicate as a piece of bone china, greets the PONs as they head out of the gate. It turns salmon pink as the sun rises. Sophie stares at the sky in a way that makes me wonder what she sees. That ' You tell me it's a moon but oh! What a moon ! ' look. Bob glances upwards then hurtles along the lane, head down, tail high, uncoordinated feet tripping over each other in pursuit of some magical scent. Why look at the stars when there's a fox around ?

A new day. High adventure awaits. A universe of excitement to be discovered. Yogurt pots to be glared at in the unshakable hope that they will refill themselves. Donkeys, goats and horses all greeted. C-A-T-S chased.

Dogs have retained the ability to immerse themselves in the moment. Enthusiasm and excitement their constant guides. Lucky the dog owner who has a shaggy companion to remind them of this essential part of life. 

Just another Monday morning. But, oh, what a Monday morning.

The right sound for today :

This Twitter feed about how blogs exist in a courteous 2003-2011 social media dimension is one of the most interesting things I've read in ages. Blogs are very last generation.


Emm said...

In a series of beautiful photos, somehow that last one tops 'em all. The anticipation of all the magic of a perfect new day just delights.
I knew a lobsterman in Maine who referred to that kind of tiny crescent moon as "God's thumbnail".

Lisa in Tokyo said...

Blogs may be last generation, but reading the interesting feed you've linked had me wondering whether they might not stage a comeback, like bookstores and movie theaters. I participate on a somewhat regular basis in three or four blogs and message boards. The good ones (and I count this one as a great one!) are remarkable in their ability to create a sense of community. I did have to look up the meaning of "fisking," however.

Poppy Q said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful morning with us. I too like you would love to know what our pets think, if they see the wonderment and enjoy it as much as us, or they just live in the moment.

WFT Nobby said...

Such stunning dawn photos. Monday morning is looking better already!
Cheers, Gail (still a fan of what I now know is a 'last generation' activity).

Taste of France said...

I think animals, insects and even plants are probably far more sophisticated than we give them credit for. I think there are some TED Talks about this; anyway I have heard it somewhere, that even trees look after their young and that maybe we can't figure out how they communicate because we aren't on the same wavelength. Anything that looks after its young, which is all living things, must also have wonderment and enjoyment and appreciation, even if they also live in the moment.
As for Twitter, I absolutely ignore it. I had a client that hired an agency to "research" tweets about personal finance and that wanted me to write a report using that information. It was dreck. I would no sooner get personal finance advice from Twitter than I would check it for health or science information. For crying out loud. Being somewhat old, I prefer blogs, especially this one, with village life painted with a few masterful strokes, and haven't figured out how to find anything useful on Twitter.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Your sunrise was lovely. I saw stars this morning, and I had to look twice. It seems so long since I've seen them. saw them in the darkness.

How could your talk to men in dark suits not include that unhinged rambling speech at CPAC? Reports this morning say Trumps approval rating are the highest they've been, which continues to make me nervous for 2020. Democrats have got to get it right.

Sheila said...

I seem to remember that the last time the vet administered the annual jabs, Bob's facial droop reappeared. Your archives will no doubt reveal whether this was the case, but I've no idea where to look. There is a lot of controversy in the States even among professionals about the need to do all these shots every year.

Long live blogs! Especially this one which always starts my day off on a happy note.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

I also had to look up fisking. I enjoy belonging to a community of blog readers! I appreciate the time it takes to tell a story, involving characters I feel I know. I consider it a gift every morning!

Angus said...

Lis and Bailey Bob - I haven't looked up fisking yet. Off to do it now.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

The moon looked like the Cheshire Cat sans body as it accompanied us on our morning walk.

Emm said...

Interesting that one definition of "fisking" includes "coined by extremist right-wing bloggers in reference to Robert Fisk, a journalist who is the subject of ad hominem attacks". Fisk isn't every reader's cuppa, and is often counter to the official line, but he probably knows more about that part of the world than most all of us.

angela said...

Trying to get tries to come out and complete jobs is the worst. I had one take three years to finally finish an outdoor pergola
Your puppy’s are very cute

Louise said...

Photo number three is beautiful