Monday, January 4, 2021

Time for battle.

Time for battle. Today Angus will speak to the lawyers in Toulouse about the errant Volvo. Into our seventh week with a car that remains stranded in the workshop and a dealer that doesn't believe in after sales service . Angus will also chase up France Telecom who have once again mislaid his G-Mail account. E-mails are arriving in a server somewhere but no one is quite sure where. Have you tried living without e-mail ?  Men in dark suits are on the phone early. They have Georgia on their mind.  A Manhattanite with a dry sense of humour informs me that Devin Nunes will be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom this afternoon. 

At first light PONette and master can be found at the river watching the sun rise. The weather forecast keeps on predicting snow and gale force winds. True to form there's no sign of snow and it's as calm as a mill pond. Four swans fly over - wings pounding the air. We stand in silent awe as they power majestically by. Maybe the promised snowmageddon will appear this afternoon ?

On our way home we pass an old ruined farmhouse. The Rickety Old Farmhouse is 800 square meters. This one must be at least 1200. I'd always assumed it was derelict but this morning there's a wisp of smoke coming from a chimney.  There's a lot of these old farmhouses around. Relics from a time when good Catholic French country folk had a dozen offspring. The First World War put paid to that. Today the French wonder who in their right mind would want to live in a draughty rambling rabbit warren.  The answer is simple - foreigners who want to 'do them up'. The locals much prefer low ceilinged  easy to heat bungalows. I'll bet there is a doughty eighty something farmer clinging on in this one. 

Sophie started off her day by yodeling contentedly to herself.  After two minutes of this Angus decided it was time to get up. She's still yodeling after our trip to the river. I'll put this down to  contentment overload. Nothing like near freezing weather to make a girl happy.


WFT Nobby said...

So heartening to read that somewhere in the world this morning we have a case of contentment overload.

Coppa's girl said...

Good luck with your battle - I hope it's successful.
Just 4ºC this morning when we went out to collect the post. I don't think Inca has the same level of contentment about almost freezing temperatures that Sophie has. In the car she sat staring at the heater vents in disgust, until they blew hot air!
Love the old farmhouse, but these days I'm with the locals and go for an easy to heat bungalow.

Taste of France said...

Best of luck in your two-front war. I have found Orange to be extremely helpful, but I have a pro account.
Re the farmhouse: it probably housed not just the farmer's family but also quite a few staff. I wonder how old it is. 17th century? 18th?
Re Nunes: such honors work on people like my mother. She wasn't stupid--she read the paper every day and I recall her watching the entirety of the Watergate hearings. But her logic was based on absolute respect for authority: if someone is president, then he is always right and should be respected (with exceptions for race--she didn't like Obama). If someone gets a medal, he must have deserved it. I'm sure there are plenty of people with similarly simplistic thinking. A medal is just the kind of flourish to distract from a huge mountain of misdeeds.

Lisa in France said...

I hope the lawyers are able to help. I still can't get over the irony that this situation involves a Volvo. If you are going to have all this trouble with both the car and the service people, might as well have bought an exotic Italian something or other (how would Sophie feel about a Ferrari?). Nice smile on Sophie in any event - perhaps she's giggling about the Nunes award. If I weren't so curious to see what's going to happen over the next two days, I might think this was a good time to hibernate for a few weeks.

50 and counting said...

I honestly thought Volvo would have fixed your wagon pronto! I had a similar problem with a Jeep Patriot. Sold it on as soon as I could. The first problem took a month to fix "no parts available" and there was 1000km on the beast. The second, they told me was a figment of my imagination. Sold it as fast as I could, One woman driver, less than 10,000km on it.

Sopie you look lovely

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Good luck on the i'net/car issues... and that smile of Sophie brightens up any day! YAM xx

Jake of Florida said...

Devin Nunes? I thought it was a joke from your dry-humored Manhattanite, but Yikes, it seems to be true, Along with another sterling character, Mr. Jordan. My Joey, Joey B. we call him, is very confused when I try to explain to him what is going on.

I hope your Volvo negotiations prove successful. Glad they're not taking place here in Florida.

Allison said...

Apparently the awarding of the MOF will be done behind closed doors, no press allowed. The president does not want to take questions at this time - can't imagine why.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Wishing you success with each of your battles! Please think of Georgia tomorrow. We need all the sane thoughts we can get.