Sunday, January 31, 2021

The enormous condescension of posterity.

We walk down the hill to the waterfall.  Overnight it's rained so heavily that the water level has risen a good foot.

Sophie approaches the stream cautiously.  She decides that it's too risky to clamber down the slippery bank . She turns and retraces her steps to terra firma. She has a lengthy, and  satisfying, drink from a drainage ditch. A prudent PONette.

The moorhens are enjoying the wet weather. Three of them on the village pond this morning. They head into the undergrowth on the waters edge with an irritated squawk.

By the time we've made it back home a  strong wind has sprung up. This gives the family princess as 'windswept' look.

Scotland. A bridge and a train :-

This book review contains the line -  'He rescues moments such as the WWII government run daycare centers that allowed women to work, or the use of the power of the federal state to force through the integration of Southern hospitals, from the enormous condescension of posterity '.


WFT Nobby said...

Would it be rude to say that Sophie is looking adorably 'chunky' this morning?
How I would love to be able to book that window seat next time I take the train to Edinburgh!
Cheers, Gail.

Taste of France said...

How do you have SUN? It's raining cats and dogs here, for the second day.
Aunt Dai's menu made it to the NYT:
The Burj Al Arab hotel seems to be a popular spot for videos. I haven't been there, but I did once speak to men in dark suits and immaculate white kandoras at the Palm Atlantis, whose décor was too Trumpian for my liking, although it smelled very good. Can't say I approve of the environmental impact of dune bashing.

Camille said...

Enjoyed the book review and perhaps enjoyed the comments below the article even more so. In keeping with what seems to be the authors ideal, and rather than purchase the book, I shall borrow it from from our public library. One wouldn't want to enrich his pockets unduly for his "scarce" talent. Of course, that if his book can be considered such...we shall see.

Sophie is looking lovely this morning. Her windswept look is very tres chic.

Camille said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa in France said...

I wish we had radio like that in Japan! Also enjoyed the video of the Forth Bridge. It's such a beautiful bridge. Sophie's tail is very white and "plumey" today - seems like a good decision not to tackle the stream.

Ranger said...

I love your wind-swept look. Beautiful. Be still my heart.