Monday, March 15, 2021

A change.

Q: What to do with a Polish Lowland Sheepdog on a wet Monday morning ?

A: 1) Drive off to the market town  2) pick up a croissant from the drive thru baker [ to be shared ] and  3) a walk across the car park stopping en route to smell every tree . Afterwards let the Polish Lowland chase the ducks ( ineffectually but noisily ), explore the mystery of her reflection in plate glass windows and then towel her dry. Return home for a post croissant nap.

Podcasts not a format I like but this is good Pandemic listening. Something very lyrical and ' fireside chat ' about it. 'Be jubilant my feet' one of those out of time sentences  :

Another interesting podcast explaining political polarisation :


WFT Nobby said...

Angus, if you took up knitting you would find podcasts a useful option for background listening!
Cheers, Gail.

Lisa in France said...

Sophie looks very satisfied with her rainy day outing. I hadn't listened to many podcasts until recently, but it is my impression that people are figuring out how to use the concept. I recently enjoyed the first in a new series of podcast conversations between Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen

Coppa's girl said...

My goodness Angus, you were out early - it looks as though you were the only car in the car park. Lucky Sophie to get all those tantalising(?) smells to herself - not a bad start to a wet Monday morning. And curly croissant ends too....