Monday, March 29, 2021

A judicious PONette.

As we head off on our Monday morning walk we pass Black C-A-T  asleep under an oak by the far gate. I prepare for a howling but Sophie trots out of the gate in silence - serenely  oblivious to the intruders presence. The family diva can smell a croissant at two kilometres and is usually  driven to distraction if a feline presence even thinks of wandering onto her territory but this morning nothing. Not a peep.  Figure that one out. 

A field of young cows down in the valley. They wander, purposefully, over to see us. Sophie checks them out warily. The young cows are at that age where they associate the presence of humans with being fed. They trot along the lane by our side. Sophie ensures that Angus is positioned between her and these beasts. A girl, no matter how brave, can never be too careful. A judicious PONette.


Taste of France said...

Sophie's croissant skills make me think of a little girl I saw yesterday. She was around 2 years old, waddling along the pedestrian street after her mother. They came around a corner and the girl stops and points down the street. "Glace! Là-bas! Glace!" Indeed, there's an ice cream shop down the street, but it was closed (pandemic/winter/Sunday afternoon). Hilarious. Years ago, I was babysitting and driving my very young charge somewhere. "This is the McDonald's street," she announced, and it was, although a the golden arches were a good two miles away. Like PONs, kids sense what is important.

Lisa in France said...

Maybe she's starting to warm up to the C-A-T? At least he is smaller than a cow.

WFT Nobby said...

Bertie thinks one ca never be too careful with cows or C-A-T-s...

Coppa's girl said...

Are you sure Sophie hasn't got a touch of Labrador in her? The lure of food, to the extent of even ignoring a C-A-T is very much a Lab. trait.
I don't know if Inca has ever seen a cow, but certainly not in the last six years since I've had her. She was a failed five year old breeding Lab. at a kennels down south, and we offered to give her a forever home. They have cows in Andalucia, so she might have seen one, but there's no such thing up here - unless it's neatly packaged in plastic in the supermarket chiller. She has enough issues with pesky barking male dogs, so a cow would really freak her out!

Sheila said...

I'm impressed by the C-A-T's determination to spend it's nights at the ROF in spite of the fact that discovery by Sophie means fleeing for safety in the morning. It must think it's scored a small victory today by being ignored.