Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Lost in wonder.

Up at five to talk to serious folks in dark suits about Ukraine. American Presidents are always criticised but praise where praise is due. This administration has pursued a clever strategy of leaks and disclosures which has  shaped events and disrupted timetables. They've also been able to bring along the European allies with them - a skill akin to herding kittens. Of course the problems haven't gone away - now the other side will try to recapture the narrative. It's too early to celebrate but it doesn't mean things, so far, haven't been handled well.

Since dawn the hunters have been gathering in readiness for their mid-week manoeuvres. Fifty or so of them in day-glo orange jackets and caps. They head off in convoy as we venture out onto the lane for our morning promenade. The hunters don't wear masks when they're clustered cheek by jowl in the confines of the village hall drinking floc. However, many of them don masks when they get in their vans. Go figure.

This morning two large geese can be seen on one of the river pontoons.

Sophie stands and watches these two interlopers in amazement.  Any hope of continuing our walk disappears. She stands immobile watching these two 'honking' things paddle back and forth. When a PON is lost in wonder a good five minutes can pass before normal service is resumed. 


WFT Nobby said...

The soil acoustics item is interesting. It's certainly not a topic covered in any of the (many) soil science courses I've attended!
I can think of too many examples where logic is absent from mask-wearing decisions.

Coppa's girl said...

Agree with Gail - the article about soil acoustics is interesting. Given a dog's amazing hearing, I wonder if that's why they suddenly stop and stare into space, seemingly at nothing? They're not staring, but listening intently to all the sound below ground?

Travel said...

New ce geese, pretty dogie