From the other side of the garden wall the professor from the School of Medicine informs me that the new variant is highly contagious and at its most infectious in the first 48 hours after you catch it. In other words you're spreading it before you even know you've got it. He thinks that if I wear a N-95 mask I'll be fine to travel home tomorrow. He also thinks I probably picked it up on the flight coming over . The airline made the passengers wait ,cheek by jowl, for 50 minutes in a security pen that could comfortably hold a third of the 180 passengers that were corralled in there. Even the best mask can only do so much when you're that close to lots of other people. My next door neighbour gives me a small $10 blood oxygen monitor that clips onto the end of a finger together with the advice ' If the oxygen level falls below 94 worry. If not don't '. It doesn't.

A 'Blah' day was followed by two 'Yeugh!' days, followed by two more 'Blah' days. The 'Blah' days felt like the flu. The 'Yeugh' days felt like I'd drunk a full bottle of Gods ambre nectar - on an empty stomach. Deliveroo , organized by 'The Font' , proved to be a Godsend. All in all not a bad experience but not one I'd want to repeat.
This morning my energy levels are back to normal and I'm waiting for the green light to travel. What I found was that LemSip and Strepsils worked pretty well. I lived on peach yogurt and San Pellegrino. My sense of smell remained intact throughout.
From the 'Wee House' I watch the twice daily University procession pass by on its way to the graduation ceremonies. Every morning at eleven and again in the afternoon at two all the town bells ring out and the pipers play. I'd have to say the young pipers are not merely good - they're excellent. Brightly gowned teaching staff follow along behind. This is going to carry on for another two weeks as the classes of 2020 and 2021 belatedly get their graduation ceremonies. Everyone seems determined to celebrate this small rite of passage. There are smiles and laughter everywhere. The sun plays its part and battles its way through the clouds for every ceremony. What are the chances of that ?
If all goes well Sophie will be reunited with the rest of her flock tomorrow.