A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Idle !
Sophie has had a mid-summer trim. I'm hoping that what it lacks in finesse it makes up for in comfort. She doesn't seem too bothered. I reassure her that ' it'll grow back again'.
Sporting her new super 'svelte' look the family princess undertakes her start of day tour of the village.
Goats, geese, hens and donkeys are all greeted - or to be more exact - glared at. There can be no doubting who is the chatelaine of this village ! We stop for a while by the concrete storm drain to look at the view and set the world to rights. Sophie soon gets bored with this and strides purposefully off to explore a rustling by the water hole. Life is too short to be idle !
The road through the village is due to be opened up again today. It's been closed for a couple of months so that the new fibre optic line can be installed and a subsidence problem resolved. Sophie has got used to having the lane to herself. Soon we will be back to the rush hour bedlam of two tractors an hour rushing by. Angus is hopeful that the end of the roadworks will mean that the internet signal might be available for the whole day. There have been days when the connection has gone missing only to reappear late at night.
We think Sophie's trim looks very smart. No wonder she is buzzing with energy, after losing all that fur!
Yes, it's a very nice look!
The haircut looks great. I need one, it has been a while.
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