A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Monday, August 1, 2022
The process of shrinking the contents of a 1000 square meter house into a 200 square meter cottage continues. As the days pass we become increasingly ruthless regarding what goes and what stays. We have contracted for the shippers to have a truck that takes 40 cubic metres of 'things'. I reckon we still have 60 cubic metres of things that need to be 'sorted'. Our threshold for what stays and what goes still requires some adjustment.
Sophie may, or may not, be aware that something is going on. If she is aware then she's certainly not troubled by it. It would be true to say that she finds the rug less stone floors to be a great improvement in this latest heatwave. As with any chatelaine she's taken to the new minimalist look with aplomb. As long as meal, walk, doze and tickle times are strictly adhered to she's happy.
The heat is building again. The village rush hour now starts at six and finishes at quarter after. The locals start work at first light and then stop after lunch to avoid the mid afternoon temperatures. For those who work outdoors this is sensible. This morning my canine companion stops and stares for a full three minutes at something on the wall by the far gate. Whatever it is only she can see it. Our progress, due to invisible 'things' is slow.
Packing is throwing up a universe of lost hotel room keys . They all ended up in the breast pockets of Angus's suits. We've now discovered 11 of them.
Nobby has reviewed the dog friendly accommodation advertised at the two hotels and recommends a stay at the Blakeney one. Gail is wondering just how many suits Angus possesses and assumes that wardrobe decluttering will be part of the moving process...
In preparations for the many moves we have made, I have found that the "just get rid of it" mentality is essential. Certainly for our first ten moves, in eight years, we moved with less each time. I've also found that there often seems to be one (nonessential) item I regret leaving; I have come to the conclusion that it's not about the item, but a certain regret over leaving the last home, or lifestyle.
Hari OM Norfolk and Dorset are both big doglegs (sorry Sophie) in a northward trip - but great destinations if looking for a meander on the way. I too would favour Norfolk... YAM xx (who still thinks that if Angus visited his Blogger dashboard comments spam file, might get a shock of needing to declutter there too! I'm starting to feel rejected.)
Perhaps Sophie is aware of the imminent move and her staring is just a way of committing to memory the home, and surroundings that she came to as a pup. My first reaction to both hotels is that they both look acceptable but not exactly on a direct route north. However if you have time to spare then either, or both will be a good place to re-acquaint yourselves with your "new" homeland. Does either hotel give a maximum weight restriction on the dogs they accept? I ask this because in the past we have come across places where the maximum weight of the one dog allowed was 7kgs. No way would our two adult Labs have passed the test!
Coppa - Sophie certainly wouldn't pass the 7kg test ! Both hotels seem to rely on behaviour and the threat of charging their owners for any damage caused.
Yamini - There was a time when blogger had a 'spam' page but it seems to have gone. As in gone completely. The whole thing has developed a randomness that is beyond human, or at least my, comprehension.
Jake - With difficulty. We will send 3500 back which means triaging the library shelves. This is not as easy as it sounds. I got up at five this morning and dispensed with 200 never consulted volumes. I'll do the same tomorrow. Sophie finds having someone up and about so early, bizarre.
I think it's a brilliant idea to take a quick break on your way north - to recover from packing and to rest up before unpacking. The boardinghouse would be my vote, but Nobby and YAM are certainly more qualified to offer suggestions.
Will there be internet at the cottage? Will you continue to blog? New blog or new title? I've been reading you since Wilf passed on, and would like to continue to do so. Good luck with the move and downsize. When we left North Carolina we jettisoned a fleece hat with ear flaps and have deeply regretted it now that we're in a place with winter again.
Before I read anyone's comment I want to say I see two points to the places to stay. If you want to be somewhat anonymous the second one is for you, if you want children around. The first the view may be the grabber and not much of an anonymous stay.
I do empathize. We have about 1000, some faded and torn from college days, others never even read. But all comforting companions so hard to, as you say, subject to triage.
Hari OM Angus - updates have been frustrating, I know... but if you go to the comments page on the dashboard (left sidebar below posts listing) you will see at the top a little tab that says "all" and a little down arrow. Clicking that will show a choice of all comments, published comments, any awaiting moderation (if you have selected that option) and spam. Some of those will be genuine spam, but in recent weeks we have all been fighting the changes to comments that has resulted in a great many regular and spam-free commenters landing in that file. Even when a comment has appeared to 'take' on a blog, it is sometimes spammed after the fact. I know you have other things to think about just now, but just wanted to reassure you the page exists! YAM xx
Nobby has reviewed the dog friendly accommodation advertised at the two hotels and recommends a stay at the Blakeney one. Gail is wondering just how many suits Angus possesses and assumes that wardrobe decluttering will be part of the moving process...
In preparations for the many moves we have made, I have found that the "just get rid of it" mentality is essential. Certainly for our first ten moves, in eight years, we moved with less each time. I've also found that there often seems to be one (nonessential) item I regret leaving; I have come to the conclusion that it's not about the item, but a certain regret over leaving the last home, or lifestyle.
Room keys make compact reminders of adventures enjoyed (or endured.)
Hari OM
Norfolk and Dorset are both big doglegs (sorry Sophie) in a northward trip - but great destinations if looking for a meander on the way. I too would favour Norfolk... YAM xx (who still thinks that if Angus visited his Blogger dashboard comments spam file, might get a shock of needing to declutter there too! I'm starting to feel rejected.)
Perhaps Sophie is aware of the imminent move and her staring is just a way of committing to memory the home, and surroundings that she came to as a pup.
My first reaction to both hotels is that they both look acceptable but not exactly on a direct route north. However if you have time to spare then either, or both will be a good place to re-acquaint yourselves with your "new" homeland.
Does either hotel give a maximum weight restriction on the dogs they accept? I ask this because in the past we have come across places where the maximum weight of the one dog allowed was 7kgs. No way would our two adult Labs have passed the test!
Coppa - Sophie certainly wouldn't pass the 7kg test ! Both hotels seem to rely on behaviour and the threat of charging their owners for any damage caused.
Yamini - There was a time when blogger had a 'spam' page but it seems to have gone. As in gone completely. The whole thing has developed a randomness that is beyond human, or at least my, comprehension.
Travel - I can quite honestly say I remember nothing about some of the hotels that are part of the developing 'key' collection.
How are you dealing with your collection of books?
Jake - With difficulty. We will send 3500 back which means triaging the library shelves. This is not as easy as it sounds. I got up at five this morning and dispensed with 200 never consulted volumes. I'll do the same tomorrow. Sophie finds having someone up and about so early, bizarre.
I think it's a brilliant idea to take a quick break on your way north - to recover from packing and to rest up before unpacking. The boardinghouse would be my vote, but Nobby and YAM are certainly more qualified to offer suggestions.
Will there be internet at the cottage? Will you continue to blog? New blog or new title? I've been reading you since Wilf passed on, and would like to continue to do so.
Good luck with the move and downsize. When we left North Carolina we jettisoned a fleece hat with ear flaps and have deeply regretted it now that we're in a place with winter again.
Before I read anyone's comment I want to say I see two points to the places to stay.
If you want to be somewhat anonymous the second one is for you, if you want children around.
The first the view may be the grabber and not much of an anonymous stay.
I do empathize. We have about 1000, some faded and torn from college days, others never even read. But all comforting companions so hard to, as you say, subject to triage.
Hari OM
Angus - updates have been frustrating, I know... but if you go to the comments page on the dashboard (left sidebar below posts listing) you will see at the top a little tab that says "all" and a little down arrow. Clicking that will show a choice of all comments, published comments, any awaiting moderation (if you have selected that option) and spam. Some of those will be genuine spam, but in recent weeks we have all been fighting the changes to comments that has resulted in a great many regular and spam-free commenters landing in that file. Even when a comment has appeared to 'take' on a blog, it is sometimes spammed after the fact. I know you have other things to think about just now, but just wanted to reassure you the page exists! YAM xx
Both look rather nice don't they?
I guess the Blakeney would not be too far off track if your route is via the A1.
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