Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A storm is on its way.


Blue skies but the clouds are building. Gale force winds are expected. Our 10.00 am train from London brings us all the way north but the noon train stops in Edinburgh and the 2:00 pm won't head north of York. Another heavy downpour is on the cards.


Lisa in France said...

Glad you made it home!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Got very breezy here this arvo... but seems to have abated again. For now...YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

So pleased you made it home safely ahead of the storm.
My Thursday cycling group took the precaution of moving our weekly ride forward by one day this week.
According to the Met Office, if I take Nobby to the park at the usual time tomorrow morning, the wind speed should be 'only' 30 mph (gusting 50 mph) and the rain not yet started...
Cheers, Gail.

Virginia said...

I've just read your weather forecast - scary! I do hope your little house remains snug and dry, and you can just sit inside with a hot Toddy enjoying the spectacular show!

jabblog said...

I hope it's not as bad as feared.