Wednesday, October 25, 2023

What a sunrise.

 A busy day ahead. We'll drive down to Edinburgh late this afternoon. This morning there's time for a walk by the Old Course as the sun is dusting the windows of the fancy hotels. The Royal and Ancient golf store already has all its lights on. A few super keen American golfers can be seen standing on the 1st tee soaking up the vibes. They talk in that sotto voce tone that people use when visiting a cathedral.

The view from the beach out to the horizon is straight out of Chariots of Fire.

The storms have deposited masses of kelp on the sand. It stretches for a good mile along the shore and is 100 feet in width and in places three or four feet high. This is unusual. The town dogs are delighted to discover this new source of adventure.  Sadly, we see a dozen or so dead Guillemots. 

Some start of day Spanish cheer :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That's the sort of sunrise that makes one think of a fried egg breakfast on return from the early morning wander...YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

What a sunrise indeed!

jabblog said...

Thank you for the link to the Hilliard Ensemble.

Diaday said...

A sunny-side up kind of day! Safe travels, best wishes.

Travel said...

A glorious dawn, enjoy the day.

10NISNE1 said...

Spectacular sunrise photos!

rottrover said...

California sunsets over the Pacific don't do that melty, fried egg thing. So beautiful. Best wishes.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

May you have a safe journey to Edinburgh.