Sunday, October 22, 2023


Every night we open a bottle of wine and watch television for an hour before dinner. Yesterday we saw the final episode of 'How to get away with murder ' on Netflix. An improbable story about a law professor and a group of her students who embark on a series of blood thirsty adventures. The murders, mayhem and plot twists would be right at home in a Guatemalan soap opera but the acting had a carpet curling intensity. How is it neither of us had ever heard of Viola Davis ? What an actress. We are now left wondering what to watch next.

The storm has finally passed us by. The windows rattled and the gutters shook but the power stayed on. This morning the skies are blue and the wind on the friendly  side of bracing. The same can't be said for the sea. The RAF pilot who lives in the village says the conditions are so bad that even the antenna rich Russian spy 'trawlers' that linger in the waters by the local air base have headed to calmer climes further south.

The noise of the surf hits us as we head down the path to the small sandy beach . It's the same basso profundo roar you hear in airport terminals when a 747 is taking off. 

Out in the bay the conditions are quite remarkable. Driven by the wind the waves  rise a good fifteen or twenty feet before crashing on the rocks. The dawn sunrise catches the crests at just the right angle and turns them into so many short lived rainbows. There are scores of them scurrying across the surface of the bay. A sight that is remarkable in its simplicity. Neither of us has ever seen anything like this before. Are wave crest rainbows a thing ? This light show lasts for all of five minutes then stops as the sun rises into the cloud.

Perhaps the bronze age settlers who farmed these fields 5,000 years ago thought they were sprites or spirits. They would certainly  have been mesmerized by this  jewels on the water mixture of light and sea.

The cormorants and fulmars have retreated inland and positioned themselves in a sheltered rock pool. We count 13 cormorants this morning. That's the most we've ever seen in one place and we take it as a good sign. They've withstood avian flu. That is a cause for rejoicing. They are after all our nearest neighbours.

The best mountain views in the world ?  :


WFT Nobby said...

Just back from Nobby's morning walk. After four days of east coast gales, what a relief that the wind has finally died down! I think the rainbows on the waves must be a similar light phenomenon to the rainbows you see in waterfalls in Iceland.
Cheers, Gail.
PS Might I suggest that, sad to say, the reason you hadn't heard of the magnificent Viola Davis has something to do with the fact she's a black woman..?

Stephanie said...

Really splendid pictures!

Linda Sue said...

Oh my heart!, these photos of light and sea take my breat away! Stunning!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I have seen many such rainbows in Australian waves - not so much here. What a special moment for you both.

Viola Davis is one of the most decorated actresses in cinema, stage, and television. Two films I recommend from recent times are Fences and The Woman King. I don't have Netflix, but quite possible these are available there. YAM xx

jabblog said...

Dramatic photographs. Thank you for the vertiginous link to the mountains.

Lisa in France said...

Yes, today's photos of the sea are really stunning. And thank you for the Netflix recommendation. I have been looking for something new to watching after failing to labor through The Fall of the House of Usher - just too dark for these times. (I'm sure a murder series is just what I need!). Before Usher, I had been watching The Law According to Lidia Poet, a fictionalized take on the first female lawyer in Italy - it was terrific. And regarding Viola Davis, I recommend the movie The Help.

Ruth said...

Please, may I print these photographs?

Diaday said...

The photos of the sea and the accompanying light are stunning! Mother Nature sure knows how to put on a show.

Travel said...

I am glad you weathered the storm, thanks for sharing the amazing photos.

Coppa's girl said...

What a wonderful sea - I love to watch the waves crashing on the shore in a good storm! From a suitably safe distance of course.

Jake of Florida said...

Loved both those films and her portrayals.

rottrover said...

Your sea photos are beautiful this morning. I'll bet the farmer's wife has skipped her swim these past few days! Type Viola's name into the Netflix search box. You can't go wrong.

waterdog said...

Your sea photos and the detailed descriptions are memorable (and only one of the reasons that I look forward to your blog each morning.)
Previous commenters are correct about Viola Davis. She is well known and well respected here in the states.
JoAnn in Maryland