Monday, October 2, 2023

The calm before ...


Town is  quiet but down by the golf courses there is hectic activity. Flower planters are being set out in front of the marquees, flags are being run up poles and awnings put up to hide the building works in front of the club house. A small army of workmen are busy checking the seating in the stands. The last moments of calm before the golfing world descends on the town for the Dunhill tournament. I can safely predict that parking will prove to be a nightmare.

We've now seen all the big Scotties but from time to time we stumble across a small one. The fish and chip shop has one outside its front door. This, on inspection, proves to be heavy on advertising and light on design. A water bowl has been placed on the pavement in front of it.

The students are again busy practising for their historic re-enactment. Pikes and spear heads can be seen sticking over the wall of the library garden. This always makes me smile.

The town only has three streets. It does however have dozens of small medieval alleyways that run at right angles to them. These are usually quiet but at eleven o'clock and two o'clock they suddenly throng with students hurrying onto their next lectures. Visiting tourists can find this surprising.

Dog walkers and their mutts would be well advised to steer well clear of the swans and their cygnets on the waters edge. We give the angry looking male a wide berth. 


WFT Nobby said...

Interesting. I always thought that the reenactment demographic was a certain type of middle aged male.
Cheers, Gail (happy to be a lark!)

jabblog said...

I like the fishy Scottie.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I wonder if Fishy Scotty has found its furever home... YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

The fishy Scottie has a neat design and as it's outside the chippie it gets the message across.

Travel said...

They stand ready to defend the city, and the waterways, each in their own way.

Lisa in France said...

Wise to keep away from that swan.

rottrover said...

Enjoyed the tour of the 'back alleys' of St. Andrews!

Anonymous said...

Fishie scottie is rather cute. Perfect for the seaside.