Friday, October 20, 2023


Another ( late for them, early for me ) call with the super smart Los Angelenos. Gaza, Jim Jordan and the UK governments loss of two seats in by-elections comprise todays smorgasbord of world affairs.

Outside the wind is gusting at 100 km/h and the rain is powering down. The roads are clear ( the council prudently unblocked all the dead leaves from the drains after last weeks floods ) but venture out of the car and you're soaked. I take some pictures of the beach but clamber back into the safety of the Volvo after a minute of being outside. There isn't a soul to be seen. Even dog owners are staying close to home. It's that sort of eye stinging rain that manages to find any gap  in your water proof outer layers. A half centimetre of water has somehow made it into the bottom of my Wellingtons.

Time for some stodge. We stop off at the artisanal bakery for cinnamon rolls.

The artisanal bakery makes cinnamon rolls that are both large and have a consistency that appeals to student tastes. 'Heavy' might be one description, 'stodgy' an equally true alternative. In this weather they are delicious.

At the book store 'The Font' picks up a book of murder puzzles. 'Murdle' is apparently very popular although I've never heard of it.  It is the sort of diversion that comes into its own when it's simply too wild to go outside .

42 - the answer to everything :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
LOL - oh, how my teenage and first uni years memories have been tickled by the reference to 42! Anyone who was a serious geek had to have read Hitch-hiker's Guide and the principles discussed at many an all-night do (though perhaps not beachside, as might have been the case in St Andy's!) And, for heaven's sake, puzzles based on murder mysteries??? Now I am going to have to go find them... I'll have a plum Danish to go with... YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

Yesterday was definitely a day for stodge. I think we missed the very worst of the rain yesterday in Aberdeen, but it seems windier than ever this morning.
Cheers, Gail.

Coppa's girl said...

On such an awful day, what could be better than all tucked up in the warm, with a cinnamon roll and a decent cup of coffee
High winds here yesterday wreaked devastation and today it's a cool 20ºC, so a drop of 5º in temperature from yesterday morning. Looks as though autumn is finally here.

Fay said...

I had to look up the definition of "stodge"! I am surprised I haven't encountered it before now. Many thanks for engaging photos and new language.

Stephanie said...

A clear sky full of stars on the coast of Northern California this morning but no pastries. Thank you for the amusing link.

William said...

The artisinal bakery’s 3 croissants for £6 look to have good lamination.

Travel said...

Thanks I needed this moment of calm in a storm this morning.

jabblog said...

A dramatic first photograph. Stodge is always inviting in bad weather.

rottrover said...

Now that is an angry sea! Yikes. I'm going to search for the Murdle book. My friend loves world and true crime. A perfect gift. Thanks!

Gemma's person said...

I am very glad to see pastries in a shop for sale. I always liked those when you were posting before.And offerings at stores that were specific to your area.

Lisa in France said...

"Stodge" was a new word for me as well. I shall file it next to "dreich". We had a very big rain in our part of France today as well.