Monday, October 30, 2023

Caustic comments .

I'd never heard of Soul Cakes until the dog walking lady who lives in the house next door to the village hall said she was baking a batch . They are, seemingly , an old Scottish Halloween tradition. Such has been the demand that she is taking orders to raise funds for the local food bank. I say we'll take half a dozen. 

The traffic lights by the university library add a little colour to an otherwise exceedingly grey morning. This mundane observation says a lot about life on the North Sea coast as October melds into November.  Pumpkins are now appearing everywhere. The students are loathe to let any excuse for a party go unrecorded. For some reason pumpkins seem to appear in twos. 

A pair of rather crudely carved examples can be seen on a bench that runs down to the lecture theatres. There is a sign Sellotaped to the window behind the bench that informs us that ' this window is not soundproofed'. Is this a way of telling students sitting on the bench that their lecturers might over hear their caustic comments ?

On our way back to the car we see a light glowing in the chapel window.

On the inside the choir are practising. We sit for five minutes, in the warmth, and listen to them. Seems we are getting close to Christmas concert season - snippets of Auld Lang Syne and O Little Town of Bethlehem  mark the start of our day.

Yet more rain overnight. Even by Scottish standards this is unusual. LNER are again stopping their trains at Edinburgh. Is this a prelude to them halting all train services to the North or is it an excess of caution ? There is a small Land Rover Defender parked next door to the Volvo. Angus wonders if we should buy something with better ground clearance. 'The Font' thinks that a vehicle with a built in ladder that enables you to clamber onto the roof is perhaps not what we're looking for. Even though it's only got two doors it fills up the parking space so it's probably not the most practical choice for town. 



Virginia said...

I'm deeply suspicious of shiny off-road vehicles... they get driven around our intercity suburb (is that a non-sequitur??) and badly parked. Good friends of ours had a humungous BMW 7 series, and they couldn't take it downtown because it just didn't fit in the carparks!! Not a great deal of sympathy from me!

But, if you look, I'm sure you'll find a smaller off roader with a high wheelbase that better meets your needs.

WFT Nobby said...

Soul cakes are new to me. I hope they're good!
I thought the urge for a Land Rover was primarily a male thing until I heard two women in a yoga class I attended in Torridon drooling over the new blue Defender one of them had just acquired. Is the ladder in the vehicle pictured to enable access to one of those roof top tents? If so, I think that's not quite Angus's style.
Hope the eye is healing well.
Cheer, Gail.

Lisa in France said...

I've never seen that Land Rover model, but it is quite something. There are a lot of the smaller Land Rovers in our part of France, but that one is probably in the category of Just Too Big. It must have been lovely to happen upon the choir practice.

Travel said...

One of the primary reasons I parted with my Cadillac was the struggle to find parking spaces it fit in. That is a cute little Land Rover. Sitting quietly and listening sounds like a nice thing to do.

jabblog said...

The chapel is lovely - light and airy.
The Land Rover is neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring and has nothing to recommend it.

Coppa's girl said...

Locally only the very largest and upmarket Range Rovers (a surprising number with Russian or Ukraine plates) seem popular, so the Defender would be classed as a mini and not a car to be considered! Either model takes up more than one parking space.
Listening to choir rehearsal is a pleasant way to enjoy a few moments relaxation in the warm on such a miserable day.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Soul Cakes are not specifically Scottish... they are a Christian tradition in many countries of Europe and were made to hand out to the Soul-singers; the folk who made the rounds on All Hallow's Eve chanting for the souls who may not yet have moved on to their permanent residence, be that Heaven or Hell... YAM xx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I am back... was just doing my morning read and discovered this article which pertains! YAM xx

Angus said...

YAM - I guess if you were to find soul cakes anywhere then a small village near St Andrews would be the place.

Camille said...

Thank you for the interesting link YAM. It's a raw, rainy day over here, so I'll try my hand at turning out some soul cakes.

Afraid I agree with the "Font" Angus. Vehicles with attached ladders seem ill advised at this juncture.

rottrover said...

I think the Defender is adorable, and with all of the rain you've been having who knows when it might be prudent to climb on top of your car in a flood? I do't remember it raining o much last year...

I enjoyed learning about Soul Cakes. I think I'll meditate on lost friends and loved ones tomorrow night and then reward myself with something yummy.

Fat Dormouse said...

Re Soul Cakes - you might be interested in this song by Sting: