Wednesday, November 29, 2023

High tech trews.


The Rangers have been busy carting sand up from the shoreline onto the dunes in an attempt to slow the erosion after the recent land scouring  combination of high tides and storms. Tyre marks crisscross the beach. 

A notice keeps us abreast of incomers  and departures.  

Looking across the golf courses the sky is patterned with strange linear clouds that stretch as far inland as the eye can see. Presumably this is a sign of a storm front coming in. A few golfers are out and about already -  a group of four and a twosome. They're probably cost effectively getting in a few holes before the course is officially open. The foursome are accompanied by two labradors who trot happily alongside their masters golf carts. 

The black sheep seem to have settled down after the recent dog harrying. One very content ram sits happily amongst his harem. All of them are lying on the grass enjoying the sunshine.

We go to the bookstore to pick up our reserved copy of the Booker Prize winning authors new tome. It is billed as being dystopian in a Celtic  ' She opened the door and the darkness crept silently inside' sort of way.  'The Font' is surprised to discover that the book has dispensed with punctuation and paragraphs. It is a solid block of text. 'This looks challenging' the initial reaction from the reader in chief.

Sleet is expected this evening. According to the weather forecast it will lsst forever. Angus heads to one of the golf shops for wet weather wear. The owner opens the door and ushers me in. He's wearing  a pair of tartan trousers and matching waistcoat. This Brigadoon look is clearly what visiting golfers expect local tradesmen to wear. I explain what I'm looking for. ' You've come tae the right place ' he says turning to a rail of Under Armour wet weather golf trousers. 'These use new technology that keeps the water out and the warmth in '.  ' Warmth ' is said  in that 'r' trilling way that marks out Scots from any other inhabitants of these sceptered isles. He carries on to tell me that ' Although they're supremely comfortable they look smart enough to be worn anywhere '.  Who ever uses the words 'supremely comfortable ?' There again who in this climate could possibly resist buying a pair of formal 'from the golf course to the dinner table ' rain repelling  trousers ? The man , by now waxing lyrical , goes on to point out a series of 'handy velcro tabs' . I'm not sure about the look of the velcro tabs nor am I sure what possible purpose they might serve but decide against voicing these  thoughts.  The magic words 'It's the Black Friday sale so I can do you a really good  deal if you buy two pairs '  clinches the deal. Tomorrow I shall venture onto the beach for our morning walk sporting a pair of hi tech  woven polyester trews. 'The Font' is of the opinion that the words 'velcro tabs' and 'style icon' rarely appear in the same sentence.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A report on Prophet Song is expected in due course... I generally find myself at odds with winners of the Booker. A recent exception was Girl, Woman, Other (Bernardine Evarist), which similarly had a peculiar use of conventional grammar. It proved very worth the effort. YAM xx

Travel said...

You could post a photo from the morning last and we could assess the success of the look. Stay warm and dry.

Stephanie said...

I'm very impressed with (and a little envious of) the "Eden Estuary." Wildlife sightings on our remote coastline are shared by word of mouth only.

Coppa's girl said...

Angus, what would 'The Font' have said if you'd come home with tartan trousers and a matching waistcoat?
I'm sure that the hi-tech woven polyester trousers will attract many admiring glances!

rottrover said...

The words "velcro tabs and weatherproof", however, may be used in the same sentence.

The Life of Riley said...

Looking forward to a report (and perhaps a photo of your lower half) about whether the new trews live up to their sales pitch. Also hoping to hear how the "Scotties by the Sea" action goes, and if "Bru Dog" has a new home somewhere close to you and the Font.

Gemma's person said...

I'd say if you are stylish you will be chilled. Being wrapped like a cold sausage in leak-proof attire will hold the warmth and keep out the wet. Just as needed. :)

Jake of Florida said...

Travis the Scottie is sporting tartan trews that might serve you quite well!