Wednesday, June 26, 2024

50% of the takings.


The election a week tomorrow. A man on the radio says that the opposition will win a huge number of seats but with many of them on wafer thin majorities. He goes on to say that if the new government starts slipping in the polls many of these newly elected MP's will soon be worried about keeping their jobs. This will make them fractious and the job of running the country difficult. The 2024 election hasn't even happened and already we're talking about 2029. Time to turn the radio off. 

A perfect start to the day. Half a dozen lobster boats out in the bay hauling in their creels. The fishermen are busy as demand for crustaceans approaches its summer peak. Visiting golfers seem to live on a diet of steak one night followed by lobster the next. At the moment town is solid with Californian ladies in pastel trouser suits.  In a couple of months it will be the AIG Womens Open. The American ladies trying out the course ahead of the championship exude ' intense focus'. From the website it would seem this is a very serious affair :

The sheep have been moved from the cauliflower field and are now happily back at home in the long grass by the farm house. The farmers two undergraduate daughters are home for the summer and have been put in charge of the retail berry and asparagus operations. They have been promised 50% of the takings which may explain why the shop is open twelve hours a day.  The elder girl chats to the customers and takes the money while the younger ensures the shelves are stocked. On the basis of the crowded car park we reckon they must be netting £800 a day which , after another couple of weeks,  will provide them with ample travel money for their summer holidays.

This weeks reading has been a mixed bag that promised much but delivered rather less.

Make of this what you will :  Can Hungarian humour really be focused on Scotland ?


WFT Nobby said...

The jokes map is a good test of one's flag ID skills!

Linda said...

Interested that Borderlines underdelivered - I have this one on my list, so I'm curious about how it fell short.

jabblog said...

50% is quite an incentive for the daughters. Canny man, their father.

Coppa's girl said...

I wish the girls a bumper harvest and safe travels!

waterdog said...

Love the picture of the sheep. Interesting house in the background.
Neglected to mention that I got Wordle in 2 thanks to your “clue”. 😎
JoAnn in Maryland

Travel said...

I did get Wordle yesterday, before I ran out of chances. Such a great view, and please post more photos of sheep.

Lisa in France said...

Funny you should mention that, Gail - my geography skills are appalling, but I like jigsaw puzzles and have been working on a map of Europe. When I looked at the joke map, I felt that I had really got value from the puzzle! Of course, with Angus's clue, it was pretty easy to find Hungary.

Stephanie said...

Your first photo is quite beautiful and serene. That looks to be a lovely farm.

rottrover said...

Those look like happy sheep! And that version of a ROF is quite lovely!