Monday, June 24, 2024


On the BBC breakfast broadcast  the election correspondent uses the word 'disjuncture' . We agree that's not a word you hear every day.

23 degrees forecast for today. Warm enough for  local radio to air a programme about heatstroke. The larks are out in force. The house awash with bird song as soon as the sun has popped above the horizon. This morning the air clear enough for us to make out the church spires far inland. There's a band of cloud over the Grampians but to the south of us the sky is solid azure blue. It's shirt sleeve weather.

Sunday saw the town packed solid with visitors. Scotland was playing Hungary in the soccer championship. Bar and restaurant owners had sensibly installed wide screen televisions  for the game. Sunshine and football, together, are a bar owners dream.

Everywhere you looked there were Saltires. Small boys were decked out in miniature version of the national teams strip. 

The pavement cafes busy with families enjoying the sunshine. White wine glasses much in evidence. The town slips into its ( brief ) al fresco life style. 

Out here a large screen television had been set up in the village hall.  By six o'clock the lawn outside was packed solid with young families. Chicken is barbecued and orange squash dispensed. Cans of lager appear.  'Puppy' arrives to see what's going on. She finds a paper plate of chicken and disappears with it into the barley field.  The man with the Skoda 4x4 informs me that Scotland would have a comfortable win . " Three nil at least ". Vast quantities of strawberries and ice cream are consumed. The match starts at eight. A group of mothers decide to take their toddlers for a swim. They head of, laughing, in a long line down the track to the water. By the time they return it's all over. A goal to Hungary in extra time. Within fifteen minutes the crowd has dispersed, the bunting around the door has gone and the village hall is empty bar a group of eight or so  farmers repetitively  discussing what the team did wrong. The phrase ' It's the end of Scotlands dreams ' spoken mournfully.

Question for the coming week. Should we go to see the 'Magical Cabaret ' or 'The Family Magic Show' ? .

A new documentary on 'The Beach Boys' :

Was this their greatest song ? :

Smile of the day :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh, definitely the cabaret! YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

At least Puppy ended the day happy!

Lisa in France said...

I would vote for Good Vibrations, although God Only Knows is also wonderful. I've been enjoying all the tweets this week around Brian Wilson's 82nd (!) birthday. And it's somehow reassuring to know that Buitenbegebieden's tweet has been viewed more than 800,000 times. Too bad about Scotland, however.

Travel said...

There is always next time, hope for the future is never far behind disappointment.

Angus said...

Travel - A nice thought but this is the Scottish soccer team we're talking about !

Stephanie said...

Thank you for the "smile of the day" including Puppy's high score of a plate of chicken. Not my favorite Beach Boys song; I always liked Fun, Fun, Fun.

Stephanie said...

Why see the Great Baldini only once when you might see him twice? It sounds like lovely old-fashioned fun.

rottrover said...

My friend used to sing, "and we had fun, fun, fun 'till her daddy took the sheep herd away!" He thought the ws the lyric :)

Diaday said...

A quick search of the Grampians took me down a rabbit hole of reading more about your beautiful country. Planning that trip for next year!

Stephanie said...

That's very funny. My husband always thought the song Secret Agent Man was Secret Asian Man until I corrected him.

Jake of Florida said...

My husband is a Beach Boys fan and we saw them a few years ago in person in Miami..Also we watched and enjoyed the new documentary. I think my favorite song of theirs is God Only Knows