Sunday, June 30, 2024

Excess stock.

Saturday evening. A man phones up and says ' I see from our records that you're retired. Would you like someone to pick you up and take you to the voting booth on Thursday morning ?'  He speaks slowly and clearly in case I have difficulty understanding what he's saying.  I inform him that we're perfectly capable of making our own way there. 

On our morning walk we pass a gift shop. There's a sale on . Someone has bought way too many Scottish soccer outfits. With Scotland the first to be knocked out of the tournament this has proved to be a mistake.

In the supermarket piles of ' Get match ready' soft drinks. The Irn Bru seems to have sold more quickly than the Pepsi.

The shoe repair shops mechanical cobbler remains staunchly patriotic.

The two ducks outside the Halal take away continue to thrive despite a constant stream of passing cars and inquisitive pedestrians.

Town, as you can perhaps tell, is quiet .


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
My sister is one of the many kayakers who make use of the canals. I like to walk beside them. YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

I too can recommend the Forth Clyde Canal route. I cycled the tow path a few years ago. Interesting and attractive - even the bits through the outskirts of Glasgow!
Cheers, Gail.

Travel said...

Everything seems to have outsold Pepsi - a sign that people there have good taste.

Anonymous said...

Love the addition of the bunnett and sunglasses to the mechanical cobbler. Angus and the shoe repair shop continue to entertain with refreshing sense of humor. (A fan in the US)

rottrover said...

I enjoyed reading abut the canals. Less so the exploding ants.