Saturday, June 29, 2024


Yesterdays wind has gone and the day starts sunny and warm. We're up early to buy strawberries picked this morning and check on the sheep. The farm shop continues to do a roaring trade.  The farmers decision to give his daughters 50% of the daily proceeds was a cannily commercial decision.

The rain forms small pools of water by the back door where the newly laid stone path is uneven. To deal with wet feet we finally find a tough wooden doormat from this company : Whoever knew finding a doormat that doesn't weigh a ton and look like a cattle grid  could be such a difficult task ?

This mornings pet peeve is van drivers leaving their vehicles in parking bays designed for cars. The long vans jut out into the road and reduce traffic to a single file. Things get even better when some bright spark does the same thing on the other side of the road. Getting from one end of town to the other can be like navigating an obstacle course. This sort of behaviour ranks right up there with drivers who park over the middle of the white line so that their car fills two bays. Angus has now reached the age where a dose of low level grumpiness keeps him cheerful - and satisfied - for the rest of the day. 

Before the Big Bang :

Back ache :

At last - a new hotel in Oxford. Inspector Morse fans may recognize it. Not sure the uninspiring restaurant design isn't a wasted opportunity  :


The Life of Riley said...

Today's biggest question is whether your new doormat will work well enough to clean mud and water off future PON paws?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
As a van driver (5.9m) the dearth of suitable parking bays is a major headache... particularly when those bays are for EV charging. I am, however, acutely aware of surroundings and actually agree with you about the shoddy and often downright carelessness of some parking styles. Not just vans. Jelly bean (micro cars) drivers often seem to have no idea... YAM xx

Stephanie said...

Your closing comment about the pleasure of low level grumpiness is priceless.

Travel said...

It is fun being at an age where we can be a little grumpy, just a little.

Fay said...

The doormat seems perfect, at least for human paws. I'd be interested to know if you remain happy with it. Many reviewers complained that the slats came loose soon after purchase. (They are nailed, not screwed). Of course that would be an easy fix, if I had any mechanical ability at all.

Iza said...

The question about the PON paws is very important. I wonder if Angus and the Font know that they can visit Poland and import nice PON pups directly from there.

rottrover said...

Not impressed with the new hotel, though the bar stools are gorgeous! Enjoy the strawberries!

Jake of Florida said...

Angus, I asked my husband (also of a certain age) if he too enjoys his daily bit of grumpiness and he concurs. I may change my perspective and no longer intrude on it.