Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The parcel


Elder sister arrives at the back door. She has taken to joining us for breakfast. A chance for her to have some peace and quiet before 'Puppy' appears.

It's rained heavily overnight but this morning the sky holds out some hope that the day will remain dry. The Royal Navy ship has left the bay with its complement of Marines and headed off into the North Sea. The pheasants squawk and scatter as we walk along the track to the shore. The German family are already down on the sand. They wave cheerfully. Perhaps there is some truth behind national stereotypes ? I'm not sure how many Scots families would be out and about at six thirty. 

With many of the university staff away town is quiet and parking is once again easy. We have the place to ourselves apart from a few locals who are out and about opening up shops or visiting the bakers.

It's 'The Fonts' birthday tomorrow. The courier shows up with a large box of Swedish delicacies. We're #1 on his schedule. The box is one of those extremely heavy refrigerated ones. The courier grumbles as he puts it down and Angus grumbles as he picks it up. It's made it from Uppsala to Stockholm to Edinburgh and then onto the Fife coast  in under 24 hours which is some sort of DHL miracle.

The box contains all sorts of brands that are hard to get in the UK.

Angus is unsure what is worse. Marinated herring,

Fish roe,

or Reindeer fillets .

There is not a single bar of chocolate so Angus has less than zero interest in the boxes contents. 'The Font' is delighted.

The things you learn :


WFT Nobby said...

Of course the brand of marinated herring had to be 'Abba'.

Virginia said...

Yerg! Happy birthday to The Font. She is no doubt delighted she will be able to enjoy alllll of her treats without the need to share! Will you cook for her, or go out to a good restaurant to celebrate?.

Anonymous said...

Would love to get dill herrings in New Zealand - they’re as rare as hens teeth and just as expensive!!

Coppa's girl said...

Happy Birthday to 'The Font'!
I love the various types of Swedish herring and haven't had any since the last time I went to Ikea - some years ago! Not a delicacy we have here.
No chocolate - well it is 'The Font's' birthday Angus!
I wonder if Elder sister knows about the goodies in the box!

Angus said...

Virginia - Of one thing you can be sure Angus will not be allowed anywhere near the kitchen. We shall be away for the next couple of nights trying restaurants on the other coast.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I join the chorus of greetings for The Font and hope you both find delight in exploring the cuisine of the West Coast of this Bonny Land! YAM xx

WendyAnn said...

Well you had me with the sea pic - so beautiful as usual. Then Elder Sister, then all the goodies for your 'Font'. Delivery in under 24hrs sounds so efficient. We will be waiting to hear more about how you both celebrate tomorrow (it may include some chocolate!).
Wendy (Wales)

Anonymous said...

What does a hen’s tooth cost? 😂

jabblog said...

Happy Birthday to the Font. I hope there will be chocolate on Angus' horizon soon.

Travel said...

Happy Birthday to the Font (of all knowledge?) The goodies look delightful, I haven't had pickled herring in a few years. Enjoy!

waterdog said...

I join all the blog followers in wishing the Font many joyful birthdays.
I think the Font’s birthday selections are an acquired taste! 😵‍💫😱
Enjoy your culinary adventure along the coast!

Lisa in France said...

Happy Birthday to the Font and happy travels to you both. The cloudberry jam was the subject of much envy at our breakfast table.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Best wishes to ‘The Font’ on her Birthday! Safe travels, and may ‘The Font’ enjoy her box of treats on your arrival home.

Stephanie said...

Happy birthday wishes to The Font and an enjoyable time away! Elder sister has a sweet natured look about her. I don't think I knew about "those refrigerated boxes." Another example of the world moving on without me

Stephanie said...

Hello, Bailey Bob. Nice to see you here.

Diaday said...

Happy birthday to the Font and happy travels to both of you.

kippy said...

Happy birthday dear Font! Photo is like one of those tell me you are Swedish without saying you are Swedish” things.

opakowana said...

Happy Birthday Font! Hope it was NICE!
I noticed Scandikitchen's jams in the parcel I get them, plus other things directly from the Scandikitchen shop :), but I of course it takes longer to arrive ;)